Texas Tech University Archives
Alumni, Student and Faculty Organizations
Listed below is a small sampling of some of the social and honor organization collections [both faculty, students and/or alumni] that are available for viewing in the reading room.
I. Alumni Organizations, II. Faculty and Staff Organizations, III. Honor Organizations IV. Student Organizations
Adelphi (Sigma Alpha Epsilon?)
Organized in the fall of 1950, the fraternity was founded by thirteen members and admitted as a campus organization in the spring of 1950.
- Adelphi Club, 1951-1953 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
African Student Organization
- African Student Organization, 1973-2007 (See U 276.2 Center for Campus Life Records)
Agricultural Club [also called the "Aggie Club"]
- Agricultural Club Records, 1929-1933: This 1 wallet collection contains a bound ledger detailing the history and activities of the Agricultural Club.
Alpha Delta Pi
- Alpha Delta Pi, 1951 (See U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
- Alpha Delta Pi, 2003-2012 (See U 276.2 Center for Campus Life Records)
Alpha Lambda Delta
- Alpha Lambda Delta, 1962-2008 (See S 1776.1 Alpha Lambda Delta Records)
Alpha Phi Omega
Organized on campus as the Eagle Scout Club in the fall of 1938, the club officially became the Beta Sigma Chapter on April 30, 1939. A service organization, APO is a national service fraternity affliated with the Boys Scouts of America. The chapter was recognized in 1942 for having the nation’s largest pledging class.
- Genaro Chavez oral history interview (1998)
- John Gillespie oral history interview- founding local chapter (1991)
- Alpha Phi Omega Sound Recordings, 1966-1977: This collection of 50 reel to reel recordings was formerly cared for by Dean Lewis N. Jones, who was a former Advisory Committee Chairperson.
- U 15.1 Alpha Phi Omega Records, 1938-2007: This 11 box collection contains correspondence, conventions packets, financial material, newsletters, meeting minutes, pamphlets, information on scouting, plaques, oversized materials and scrapbooks.
- U 15.1 Alpha Phi Omega Photograph Collection, 1945-1992 and undated: The collection of 737 photographs contains various images of the organization's social events and community work. Included are images of Active Retreats 1/30/87, 1988; Adopt-a-City, Hale Center 3/7/87; Advisor/Active Bowl-off 3/1/87; All-University Mixer 2/17/87; Blood Drive; Bowling, 1/23/87, 1988; Car Wash; Copper Caboose 2/13/87; Fall Smoker, 1982; Food Bank 2/28/87; Going Away Party- David Miller 1988; Guadeloupe House Project 2/14/87; Homecoming 1982; Jungle Sigs Parties 1982, 1988; Kidnap Breakfast at the Kettle 2/28/87; Kiwanis Camp, Fall 1982; Little Brother/Big Brother Picnic 1988 and 4/92; Lubbock State School 1992; Meetings; National Conventions; Pajama Party 1988; Picnic at the Rec Center 2/28/87; Pledge Retreat at Camp Post 2/13/87; Program Sales 1982; Prospective Pledge Project- Scout Service Center 2/7/87; Ranching Heritage Center 1988; School House Dedication; Scouting; Second Annual Olympics 1988; Sectionals 1988; Semi-Formal Rush 1988; Signature Parties; Steak Fry, Fall 1982; and Volleyball Intramurals, 1982, 1988.
- U 15.2 Alpha Phi Omega Records, 1952-2009: This 1 box collection contains materials from various Alpha Phi Omega conventions, both national and regional, administrative files, correspondence, fundraising and event materials, and newsletters. It also contains 63 prints.
- Alpha Phi Omega, 1946-1969 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
- Alpha Phi Omega, 1950-1969 - oversized items (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
- Alpha Phi Omega, 1950, 1958-1959 (see U 56.1 Dean of Men Records)
- Alpha Phi Omega, 1969-1991 (see U 185.6 University News and Publications Records)
- Alpha Phi Omega, 1983-2003 (See U 276.2 Center for Campus Life Records)
- Alpha Phi Omega, 1987-1991 (see U 185.6 University News and Publication Records)
- Alpha Phi Omega, 1995 (see U 147.46 President's Office Records)
Alpha Tau Omega
- Alpha Tau Omega, 1952-1969 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
- Alpha Tau Omega, 1981-1991 (see U 207.1 Provost's Office Records)
- Alpha Tau Omega, 1989-2006 (See U 276.2 Center for Campus Life Records)
Angel Flight
Angel Flight was the female arm of the Air Force R.O.T.C. at Texas Tech. The organization was sponsored by Arnold Air Society, which was the male arm of the Air Force R.O.T.C. program.
- U 18.1 Angel Flight Records, 1960-1986 and undated: The collection consists of 1 scrapbook, 5 boxes, and 1 wallet. It contains scrapbooks and composite portraits of the Texas Tech Angel Flight and Arnold Air Society organizations.
- U 18.1 Angel Flight Photograph Collection, 1961: The collection, consisting of 52 prints and 46 negatives, contains group and composite portraits of the Texas Tech Angel Flight and Arnold Air Society organizations. Images concern Air Force Field Day, Baylor University Drill Competition (1961), Trip to U. S. A. F. Academy (1961), and U. S. Armed Forces Commissioning Ceremony (1973).
- U 18.2 Angel Flight Photograph Collection, 1973-1976, 1980-83: The collection contains eight group and composite portraits of the Texas Tech Angel Flight organizations. The 1975 composite is missing some of the images.
Arnold Air Society
The Arnold Air Society was the male arm of the Air Force R.O.T.C. program. It's sister arm was the Angel Flight society, which promoted interest in the United States Air Force, strived to give college women across America knowledge and educational information concerning the military services, and aided the progress of the Arnold Air Society.
- U 117.1 Arnold Air Society Photograph Collection, 1974-1977 and 1983-1985: The collection of 7 oversized group and composite portraits of the Texas Tech Arnold Air Society organizations.
Applied Arts Club
- Applied Arts Club, 1952-1961 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
Archaeological Society
- Archaeology Society, 1957 (see U 148.3 Public Information Records)
Association of Women Students (AWS)
The Association of Women Students was organized on the Texas Tech University campus in 1931 by Mary W. Doak, Margaret Weeks and the Quarterly Club, a faculty women's organization. The organization held an annual Women's Day celebration, during which all Tech coeds wear white.
- S 45.1 Association of Women Students Scrapbook, 1968 and undated: This 1 wallet collection contains a scrapbook of the Women’s Day banquet and activities at Texas Tech in 1968 plus a few loose photographs of the event. It also contains some undated photographs.
- U 310.1 Association of Women Students Collection, 1932-1969: This 1 box collection contains programs for the Recognition Service for Women ceremonies (1932-1946), the All-College Recognition Services for Men and Women (1947-1965), and Women's Day activities (1960-1969).
- Association of Women Students, 1929-1968 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
- Association of Women Students, 1948-1972 (See U 276.2 Center for Campus Life Records)
- Association of Women Students newsletter, 1970 (see U 261.1 Human Sciences Records)
- Association of Women Students, undated (see U 148.3 Public Information Records)
- Association of Women Students Scrapbook (part 1), 1949-1951 (from U57.1 Dean of Women's Records)
- Association of Women Students Scrapbook (part 2), 1951-1953 (from U57.1 Dean of Women's Records)
Astronomy Club
- S376.3 Preston F. Gott Papers, 1973-1991 and undated: This 1 wallet collection contains information on the Texas Tech Astronomy Club.
Beta Theta Pi
- Beta Theta Pi, 1968-1969 (See U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
- Beta Theta Pi, 1990-2006 (See U 276.2 Center for Campus Life Records)
Biology Club
- U 415.1 Biology Club Scrapbook, 1937-1938 (from the Richard A. Studhalter Collection)
- Biology Club, 1964 (See U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
Black Law Student Association
- Black Law Student Association, 1982-2006 (See U 276.2 Center for Campus Life Records)
Black Student Association (BSA)
- Black Student Association, 1969-2001 (See U 274.2 Student Activities Records)
- Black Students Association, 1987-1994 (See U 231.1 University Daily Photograph Collection)
- Black Student Association, 1988-1989 (See U 9.2 Dean of Students Records)
- Black Student Association, 1986-2006 and one Scrapbook, undated (See U 276.2 Center for Campus Life Records)
- See also Student Organization for Black Unity
- See also Student Organization for Unity and Leaders
Black Students in Mass Communications
- Black Students in Mass Communications, 2002-2005 (See U 276.2 Center for Campus Life Records)
Block and Bridle Club
Sponsored by the Animal Science Department of the College of Agricultural Sciences, the Block and Bridle Club was an organization made up of undergraduate and graduate students who supported the livestock industry and the Animal Science Dept. Activities included an annual ham and turkey sale, the Annual Little International All University Livestock Show and Judging Contest, an banquet, and presentations of scholarships to members. The national chapter of Block and Bridle Club was formed in 1919 in Chicago, Illinois. The Texas Tech chapter was a major sponsor of the All-College Rodeo, which began in 1930, and Western Days, which began in 1946.
- U 211.1 Block and Bridle Club Records, 1933-1981 and undated: The 2 box collection consists of various files, reports, newspaper clippings, scrapbook materials, and photographs pertaining to the everyday activities of the Block and Bridle Club at Texas Tech University.
- U 211.1 Block and Bridle Club Photograph Collection, 1937-1974 and undated: The collection consists of 219 prints of various people involved in Block and Bridle club activities, as well as images of the Tech campus and activities such as rodeos. The images were taken out of Annual Reports as they had become loose and were falling out of the reports. Included are images of campus buildings such as the Dairy Barn, bull riding, cattle, dances, people gambling, hogs, horses, Little International All University Livestock Show and Judging Contest, Meat Judging Teams, meat sales, milking parlor, musicians, parades, sheep, sheep judging, and trophies. Persons pictured are Ray, Burkhart, Cecil Horne, W. L. Stangel, and Palmer Willis. Some of the images in this collection have been digitized and are viewable here.
- See U 12.3 Agricultural Sciences College Collection, 1951-1952: This 1 wallet collection consists of memorabilia found tucked inside a 1952 La Ventana, including a 4th prize ribbon for the 4th Annual Block and Bridle Little Invitational; 5 news clippings; and a group portrait the Block & Bridle All-College softball champions (1952?).
- Block and Bridle, 1953-1974 (see S 977.1 W. L. Stangel Papers, 1888-1975)
- Block and Bridle, 1937-1944 (see U 195.1 Animal Husbandry Records)
Board of Student Organizations
- Board of Student Organizations, 1949-1965 (See U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
Centaur Club (Phi Kappa Psi?)
Organized in 1929, the Centaur Club was the first men's social club on campus to be comprised solely of college students.
- Centaur Club, 1949-1953 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
- Phi Kappa Psi, 1931-1969 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
- Elmer Moore oral history interview (1981)
Chi Omega
- Chi Omega, 1945-1965 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
- Chi Omega, 1974-2009 (See U 276.2 Center for Campus Life Records)
Chi Rho
- U 463.1 Chi Rho Fraternity Collection, 1964-2022: The 7 box and 1 oversized folder collection consists of records, documents, memorabilia, and photographs related to the establishment and activities of the Chi Rho fraternity at Texas Tech.
- U 463.2 Chi Rho Fraternity Collection, 1964-1966: The 1 wallet and 1 oversized folder collection consists a 1966 oversized Chi Rho chapter roster photograph and 3 Texas Tech related items.
College Club (Kappa Sigma?)
Organized on November 21, 1928, College Club was the oldest men's fraternity on the Texas Tech campus by 1952.
- See Kappa Sigma
Collegium: Women's Independent Association
- Collegium: Women's Independent Association, 1941 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
Cosmopolitan Club
- Cosmopolitan Club, 1952 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
- Cosmopolitan Club, 1955-1956 (see U 148.3 Public Information Records)
Council of Women Graduates
- Council of Women Graduates, 1938-1945 (see S 28.1 Ruth Horn Andrews Papers)
- Council of Women Graduates, 1941-1943 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
DFD (Delta Delta Delta?)
Founded at Texas Tech on March 2, 1930, DFD was the only campus organization with a name and meaning only known to its members.
- DFD Social Club (Delta Delta Delta), 1949-1965 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
Delta Gamma
- Delta Gamma, 1957-1965 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
- Delta Gamma, 1953-2007 (See U 276.2 Center for Campus Life Records)
Delta Tau Delta
- Delta Tau Delta, 1952-1969 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
Delta Upsilon
- Delta Upsilon, 1953 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
Delta Zeta
- Delta Zeta, 1954-1960 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
Engineers' Council for Professional Development
- Engineers' Council for Professional Development, 1933-1978 (see U 68.1 College of Engineering Records)
Engineering Student Council
- Engineering Student Council, 1977-1979 (see U 68.1 College of Engineering Records)
Eta Sigma Phi
- Eta Sigma Phi, 1963 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
Fraternities and Sororities
- Jean A. Jenkins oral history interview (1975)- introduction of the women's sorority system at Tech
- U 82.3 Fraternities and Sororities Records, 1953-1977 and undated: This 1 wallet collection includes materials, primarily consisting of news clippings, pertaining to fraternity and sorority activities that were collected by Mrs. Hurley Carpenter.
- Fraternities and Sororities, 1939-1964 (see U 14.1 James G. Allen Records)
- Fraternities and Sororities, 1951-1959 (see U 147.26 President's Office Records)
- Fraternities news clippings, 1954-1962 and Sororities news clippings, 1955-1962 (see U 163.1 Scrapbooks)
- Center for Campus Life Records, 1945-2016: This 23 box collection contains files on numerous student and Greek organizations that received funding and support from the university.
- Fraternities, 1937 (see U 147.13 President's Office)
- Greek Organizations, 1986-1999 (see U 185.6 University News and Publication Records)
- Rollin Herald Photograph Collection, 1930s-1980s (contains prints and negatives from the 1960s-1970s on various fraternity and sorority groups and events)
Gamma Phi Beta
Gamma Sigma Delta
Gargoyle Club Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Student Association Gay-Straight Alliance German Club German Dancers High Riders Hispanic Student Society Infantry Club Inter-Club Council Intercollegiate Association of Women Students Inter-fraternity Council International Association of Women Students International Relations Club International Student Union Kappa Alpha Order Kappa Alpha Mu Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Kappa Gamma Kappa Phi Kappa Kappa Kappa Psi Kappa Sigma (formerly College Club) Kemas (Phi Gamma Delta) Knight Riders Ko Shari Club Las Armonias Las Leales Latin American Students Lambda Chi Alpha Los Camaradas (see also Pi Kappa Alpha?) Los Chicanos Club Los Tertulianos Mariachi Raider Rojos
Masked Rider Medical School- Tech Medical Spouse Association U 203.1 School of Medicine- Tech Medical Student Association (TMSA) Records, 1972-1983 and undated: This is a 1 box collection consists of organization records and news clippings pertaining to the Tech Medical Spouse Association. Men's interclub Council Mexican American Student Organization (MASO) Modern Dance Club Miller Girls Omicron Delta Kappa Panhellenic Peace Corps Pi Beta Phi Pi Kappa Alpha (formerly Los Camaradas) Phi Beta Mu Phi Delta Gamma Phi Delta Kappa Phi Delta Theta Phi Epsilon Kappa Phi Gamma Delta (formerly Kemas) Phi Kappa Psi (formerly Centaurs Club) Phi Sigma Kappa Phi Psi Purple T Club Raider Red Raider Rojos Red Raider Residence Halls Association Ranch Horse Team Rodeo Association Saddle Tramps Sans Souci Science Club Sigma Alpha Epsilon (formerly Adelphi) Sigma Chi Sigma Kappa Sigma Nu (formerly Socii?) Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Sigma Sigma Silver Key Club Socii (Sigma Nu?) Student Government Association (see also Student Senate) Student Dairy Association Arm Patch Student Organization for Black Unity (SOBU) Student Organization for Unity and Leadership (SOUL) Student Publications Student Senate (see also Student Government Association) Tau Beta Sigma Tech Accounting Society
Tech College Republicans Texas Tech 4-H Club Texas Tech Engineering Society Tech Association of Black Journalists
Texas Tech Barbell Club Texas Tech Engineering Society Texas Tech Press Club Texas Tech Radio Club Texas Tech Rifle Club Texas Tech 4-H Club Texas Tech War Veterans Association Textile Engineering Society Threshold: Women's Liberation Visions of Light Gospel Choir Women's Inter-Club Council Women's Recreation Association Women's Service Organization Wranglers Club Zeta Tau Alpha Young Women's Christian Association
The purpose of this organization was to promote knowledge of art and architecture. It's members had to be registered for an architecture course.
The German Dancers folk dance group was established in 1978. The group's name was changed in 1982 to the Texas Tech German Dancers.
The High Riders is a women's spirit organization for Texas Tech University who helps to promote unity and support for the Women's Athletics Program as
well as for other Texas Tech activities. The High Riders became an official Tech support group on February 2, 1976. They take part in parades and various campus events and ring the Victory Bells after TTU women's athletic victories. In 2005, the High Riders entered into a partnership with the Saddle Tramps and the Center for Campus Life to coordinate the appearance schedules and financial support for the school's mascot, Raider Red. The mascot would now be portrayed by multiple students chosen from the ranks of the Saddle Tramps and the High Riders. Kari Rodgers would the be first woman chosen from the High Riders to take on one of the secret identity of Raider Red.
Founded in 1968 by Hispanics who joined together to promote service to Texas Tech and the Lubbock Community, the Hispanic Student Society is the university's oldest Hispanic organization. Originally called Los Tertulianos, or "members of a club," the organization used to participate in different types of demonstrations and sit-ins,
particularly in those where issues of racial discrimination and segregation were concerned. In 1980, the organization changed its name to the United Mexican American Students (UMAS), which sought to promote friendship and leadership, and participated in many large Mexican dances and Mexican celebrations. A third name change occurred in the fall of 1984, when the
organization became the Hispanic Student Society to reflect the change from its radical predecessors to its current conservative presence.
The International Student Services Office (ISSO) coordinated programs of special interest and benefit to foreign students. The programs were designed to encourage a true involvement in American Society rather than superficial exposure and included the Homestay, Welcome, Host family, Host student and Wives programs. The ISSO was directed by Jon Hartshorne (1968-69) and Robert Burnett (1969-1972).
rganized in 1932, the fraternity's name, Kemas, was an Indian word meaning friend.
The Ko-Shari Club was a social organization for Texas Tech Co-eds. It was originally known as the Gadabout Club and later as Les Cigales. The club used southwestern Indian motifs, inspired by Adolph Bandalier's "The Delight Makers." It disbanded in 1952 when national sororities were established at Texas Tech.
Texas Tech's first minority and Hispanic student organization.
As early as 1936, an unidentified masked rider, wearing a scarlet satin cape, circled the field on a "borrowed" palomino stallion, then rode off into the night to return his steed before anyone discovered its absence. The Masked Rider tradition began officially in January 1, 1954, when Joe Kirk Fulton rode his horse on the field during the Gator Bowl at Jacksonville, Florida. Unofficially, the Masked Rider had been sneaking onto the Tech football field since the 1930’s and 1940’s. Since then the official masked rider has been a long time tradition for Texas Tech, and the rules for performance on the field has changed as well as the costume itself. The Texas Tech Spirit Program maintains a complete list of all the Masked Riders and their horses.
The Texas Tech School of Medicine chapter of WA-SAMA (Women’s Auxiliary of the Student American Medical Association) formed in 1972. The chapter was not only the first medical student spouses’ organization at Texas Tech, but also the first WA-SAMA chapter in the state of Texas. A group of doctors’ wives from the Lubbock-Crosby-Garza medical auxiliary assisted in the formation of the Tech chapter of WA-SAMA.
An international fraternity for women's.
Phi Delta Kappa is a professional organization for educators.
A national fraternity for the field of health, physical education, recreation and related fields.
Organized in 1932, the fraternity's name, Kemas, was an Indian word meaning friend.
Phi Psi Fraternity was started at the Philadelphia College of Textile Science in 1903. Chapters were created at other textile schools, including the Kappa Chapter at Texas Technological College in 1931. The fraternity promoted textile education and continued professionalism in a career in textile manufacturing. The Kappa chapter closed at Texas Tech due to the discontinuation of a textile engineering program and ensuing lack of textile students.
Founded in the spring of 1948, the Purple T Club was comprised of ex-students of John Tarleton College who enrolled in Tech.
Raider Rojos is a national alumni organization focused on promoting the retention and graduation of Hispanic students at Texas Tech.
The annual Carol of Lights event began in 1959, featuring the singing of Christmas carols and lighting of thousand of lights on campus buildings. The origins for the event came from Texas Tech's first Christmas in 1925, when a December Christmas pageant was held at the south end of the Administration building.
The Texas Tech Ranch Horse Team's mission is to preserve the heritage and tradition of the functional, versatile ranch horse, while demonstrating that purpose in a competitive form for all to enjoy
The Texas Tech Rodeo Association was established to promote collegiate interest in rodeo activities, continue the western heritage traditions, and to sponsor a inter-collegiate rodeo team.
Organized in 1936, the Saddle Tramps was a created to promote school spirit, uphold college traditions, and help with athletic contests and pep rallies.
Meaning "without care" in French, Sans Souci was a women's social organization.
The fraternity was organized in 1929.
Formed in 1937, Socii was a social organization based after one that existed at Oxford University during the 18th century.
Texas Tech Student Government Association is an organization working to meet the needs of Tech students, and consists of four main branches: the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, Freshman Council, and the Judicial Branch. Each part of the Student Government Association is continually working together to serve the needs of the student body. Additionally, it also serve as a liaison between the students and administrators as well as the city of Lubbock.
The Patch was used by the donor’s (Susan Kincaid) maternal grandfather, Raymond Reed, when he was a student at Texas Technological College in the 1920’s.
The Student Organization for Black Unity was organized in 1967 as the student organization for unity and leadership.
The Women's Service Organization (WSO) evolved from a 1959 committee of the Association of Women Students.
Its members continue to participate in a wide variety of campus projects.
The Wranglers fraternity was organized at Texas Tech on October 21, 1929 and continued until May 30, 1953.
Zeta Tau Alpha was founded at Longwood College in Farmville, Virginia, on October 15, 1898. It became the first sorority to be chartered in Virginia in 1902 and later, in 1909, became a member of the National Panhellenic Conference. Members of Las Vivarachas social club at Texas Technological College became pledges of the Gamma Tau Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha on December 5, 1952, and were initiated as member in April, 1953.