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Texas Tech University Archives

Alumni Manuscript and Photograph Collections

U 519.1 Sam Arnett Collection, 1925: This 1 wallet collection consists of a printed Texas Tech address and phone number directory, 1925-1926.

U 449.1 Mildred Bagley Collection, 1925-1929: This 1 wallet collection consists of miscellaneous memorabilia from the early years of Texas Tech: fee receipts from 1925-1926, a 1929-30 campus directory, pageant program for "The Spirit of West Texas," a September 3, 1926 program for the First Annual Banquet Tech Students with an enclosed photo with red and black ribbons attached, and the souvenir program for the first football game for Texas Tech versus McMurray College. Mildred Bagley was among the first students to attended Texas Technological College in 1925

U 397.1 James Neville Baker Collection, 1935-1939 and undated: This 1 wallet collection consists of 84 photographs of Texas Tech taken during Baker's time as a student. James Neville Baker attended Texas Technological College from 1935-1939 with a business degree and went on to work for Conoco. Some of the images in this collection have been digitized and are viewable here.

U 506.1 Richard D. Beller Photograph Collection, undated: This 1 wallet collection consists of 10 photographs of the Texas Tech campus.

U 345.1 Garland Lester Blanchard Collection, 1933-1935: This 1 wallet collection consists of a small leather covered diary that Garland L. Blanchard wrote in between the years 1933 and 1935. A few loose news clippings were tucked inside the diary. A blue "First Place" ribbon from the Panhandle South Plains Fair accompanies the diary's donation. Garland Lester Blanchard attended Texas Technological College in 1933-1934 and majored in agriculture, possibly as a pre-vet student.

U 542.1 Bledsoe Family Papers, 1917-1967: This 1 box collection consists of correspondence to and from Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison Bledsoe. A good portion of the correspondence is Christmas and greeting cards.

U 551.1 Rutilla "Rue" Eubank Branch Collection, 1925-2024: The collection consists of four item. The scrapbook, dated between 1925-1930, documents Rue's attendence at Texas Tech during the school's first four years of operation and her subsequent years in graduate school at the University of Illinois. She graduated from Texas Tech on May 27, 1929, making her part of the first group of Texas Tech graduating class to all four years (Freshman-Senior) at the new college. Rue earned a Bachelor's of Science degree in Library Science from the University of Illinois on June 11, 1930. The book is in great condition. It contains extensive handwritten entries by Rue, her friends, and classmates. It also contains letters and cards, photographs, news clippings, and ephemera such as stickers, ticket stubs and programs for a variety of events, candy wrappers, and cigarette stubs. Also included in the collection is a geneological tree outlining of the life of Rue Eubank Branch from, A letter from the collection's donors, Scott Lee and Betty Roberson, explaining how they come into posession of the scrapbook and a photograph of the Roberson family - Scott Lee and Betty, and their two sons, Gordon and Scott Monroe.

U 304.1 Nancy Cantwell Collection, 1938-1956: This 1 box collection consists of two scrapbooks donated by Nancy Cantwell. Nancy McKissack, whose married name is Cantwell, was born in 1933 and attended Texas Technological College in the early 1950s. During her years at Texas Tech, McKissack was involved with Zeta Tau Alpha and the drama fraternity Alpha Psi Omega.

U 479.1 Joyce Cheatham Collection, 1911-2000 and undated: This 2 box and 1 oversized poster collection consists of miscellaneous publications and memorabilia related to Texas Tech, Lubbock and surrounding areas. Included are 10 promotional "Raider Red Rowdy Rags" hand towels distributed from 1990-2000 by the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal.

U 473.1 Eva Gertrude Chisholm Scrapbook, 1928-1929: This 1 box collection consists of a scrapbook made by Eva Gertrude Chisholm who attended Texas Technological in 1928-1929. It was donated by Jena Altman Hamilton.

U 221.1 Class Reunion Records, 1972: This 1 wallet collection contains 2 copies of the class directory for the class of 1932-1933, a 1972 issue of the Texas Techsan, and various donor/alumni pamphlets. The class reunion was held on May 13, 1972. Mrs. Allie Collins Parker, the donor, is a native of Lubbock. She earned her bachelors and masters degrees at Texas Technological College (1933 and 1950 respectively) with emphasis in economics and marketing. She was originally from Claude, Texas. Her husband was Robert M. Parker, who graduated with a masters in Mathematics from Texas Tech in 1933

U 481.1 Bonnie Coffey Collection, 1947-1949: This 1 wallet collections contains miscellaneous items related to Jack Dale Allmon, such as 7 photographs of Allmon with his Los Camaradas members and a 1949 commencement program and invitation. Jack Dale Allmon attended Texas Technological College in the late 1940s.

U 541.1 Tina Clawson Cooney Collection, 1977-1980: The collection consists of Cooney's High Riders Pledge binder, her High Riders Double T pledge board, and her red High Riders windbreaker.

S 1335.1 Lucile Davis Collection, 1925-1927: This two box collection consists of two leather bound scrapbooks concerning Lucile Davis' student days at Texas Technological College. Included are photographs, news clippings, programs, and other memorabilia. Davis attended Texas Technological College during its first three years (1925-1927).

U 197.1 Jay C. and Doris K. Disney Collection, 1926-1927: This 1 wallet collection contains a Prairie Fire publication by Texas Tech students, Jan.-Feb. 1927, and a 1926 Texas Tech songbook. Transferred to Photographs division were two black & white photos of Texas Tech's first football game, dated 1925, and transferred to the Athletics collection was a 1926 Texas Tech vs. TCU game program. Mrs. Disney’s father, Rex Keys, attended Tech in 1926 and was business manager of La Ventana and a football player. He passed away in 1951. The collection also contains two b/w photos of first football game and the possible precursors to Saddle Tramps (?) student organization, 1925.

U 421.1 Hortense Williams Dixon Collection, 1970: This 1 wallet collection contains Dixon's vita, academic profile, 1 photograph, a press release about her being the first African American to graduate with a Ph.D. from Texas Tech, and a copy of a report she co-authored titled "On the Purposes of the University." The materials in this collection were gathered together from 2 different University News and Publications collections.

U 318.1 Hazel Duncan Collection, 1928-1932: This 1 wallet collection consists of various items found among Hazel Duncan's belongings. The items are a City of Lubbock "How to Read the Electric Meter and Other Useful Information" pamphlet; a Young Women's Christian Association membership card; an unfolded "Texas Tech Pasteurized Dairy Products Sweet Cream Butter" wrapper; a Christmas card from Texas Tech President Horn, 1928; 2 news clippings on the Tech football team; a January 1931 Texas Tech Pictoral and Information Bulletin; a 1930 4th Annual Commencement program; a The Forum invitation; and an oversized 1932 April Fool Supplement to the Toreador entitled the "Scarlet Scavenger."

U 322.1 Charles R. and Jane Eatherly Collection, 1890-2014: This 2 box and 1 oversized box collection contains pages out of the scrapbook of Mr. James Lawrence Hicks, yearbooks and scrapbooks for Lillie Mae Eatherly, and photographs, memorabilia and written correspondence pertaining to Charles R. Eatherly and his wife, Jane, both graduates of Texas Technological College. Also included are programs from the Block and Bridle Club, the Aggie Club Banquets, graduation invitations from Texas Tech in 1938 and from Lubbock High School in 1930, and photographs from the 1957 homecoming parade.  Mr. Eatherly's previous donation of 52 color slides of the 1960 Homecoming Parade were added to the Heritage Club Photograph Collection (P7106).

U 350.1 Bobbie Camp Floyd Collection, 1937: This collection consists of a special edition of the 1937 La Ventana called "The Candid Camera Edition of the La Ventana." Bobbie Camp Floyd's mother, Murl L. Colwell, attended Texas Technological College and graduated in 1937.

U 398.1 Maxine Fry Scrapbook, 1937-1958: This scrapbook is in very fragile condition. It includes news clippings and a few photographs concerning Maxine's years at Texas Technological College, the beginning of her teaching career and her wedding. There are also a few loose items such as her student government campaign poster. A graduate of Floydada High School, Maxine Fry entered Texas Tech in 1934. A go-getter, Maxine became active in many student organizations during her four years here. Noted for her elegant looks, she was voted as a La Ventana Beauty in 1937 and was a lady-in-waiting for the Queen’s coronation court for the 1937 Junior Prom. Her most notable achievement, however, was winning by a landslide the election for student body president in May of 1937 and thus becoming the first female to hold the position.

U 242.1 Flora Goforth Photograph Collection, 1928-1962: The collection consists of 64 prints and 63 negatives of Goforth's archaeological expedition to New Mexico with William Curry Holden in the early 1930s, family photos, a portrait of Goforth at her desk, and images from the funeral of a classmate who had been killed in a motorcycle accident while attending Texas Technological College. The two oversized photos are housed in Oversize Photo Box B.

U 242.2 Flora Goforth Papers, 1931-1934 and undated: The 2 box collection includes various woven textiles done by Goforth and her students, photographs, and Texas Technological College memorabilia and campus directories. Four photographs consist of portraits of Goforth, the Engineering Drafting School building, and a Native American woman working on pottery. Five oversized photos were placed in Oversize Photo Box B.

U 242.3 Flora Goforth Papers, 1906-2000: The 3 box collection includes correspondence, financial records, printed materials, hand notes, diaries, and appointment calendars by Flora Goforth, some Texas Technological College memorabilia, photographs, a stick loom project, and class notes.

U 242.4 Flora Goforth Photograph Collection, 1904-1996: The 2 box collection consists of the papers of Flora Goforth, who taught weaving at the Sioux Reservation through the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Included are samples of various woven textiles created by Goforth and her students, design patterns and blueprints, textile research and fabric samples, hand drawings and paintings, and photographs

U 477.1 Chester Green Collection, 1993-1997: This 1 wallet collection contains 1 "Golden Anniversary Diploma" certificate from the Ex-Students Association for Chester A. Green and 2 sprial bound Texas Tech related publications - "Fond Memories" by Anna Belle Collins Collier (1993) and the Class of 1947 50th Reunion book (May 1-2, 1997.

U 256.1 Jean Grossman Papers, 1944-1966: The collection contains two scrapbooks of theatre productions from the Texas Tech University Theatre. The first is of the 1966 production of Tartuffe, for which the donor was the costuming assistant. The second scrapbook is of various theatre productions from 1964-1966. Also included is a scale model of the theatre's stage and miniature set pieces [made to scale as well] for the play "Not Enough Rope" which was done in the spring of 1966. The remainder of the material concerns cotton gins, irrigation, cotton burr waste research, and Tru-Fab Metal Products Company. This includes correspondence, photographs and committee information. The donor, Jean Grossman [formerly Jeannie Rook], is an graduate of the Texas Tech University Theatre program. Her father, Charles Galloway Rook Sr., worked as a professor at Texas Tech during the 1940s-1950s doing cotton research under the Cotton Research Committee. Rook and his son, Charles Galloway Rook Jr., owned the Tru-Fab Metal Products Company which provided building materials to construct cotton gins.

U 360.1 J. P. Hall Family Collection, 1924-1938: This 1 wallet collection contains miscellaneous items related to student Cecil Leroy Hall. Included are three photographs, a obituary, a letter of condolence from the Dean of Men, Hall's high school diploma, a bible, and an odd assortment of handwritten student notes. One photograph of the Administration Building from 1924 was transferred to the Heritage Club Photograph Collection (# P8000). Cecil Hall, a freshman mechanical engineer student, attended Tech in 1937-1938 and passed away in early 1938.

U 392.1 Mike Hamberlin Collection, 1967-1970: This collection consists of 75 color slides. The images include football games, Carol of Lights, aerial views, campus construction, and the installation of trees around the Business Administration Building.

U 478.1 Thomas Wilson Harber Collection, 1929-2019: This 1 wallet contains print outs of biographical information and photos of Thomas Wilson Harber, an early Texas Tech graduate.

U 467.1 Anita Carmona Harrison Collection, 2008-2009: This 1 wallet collection contains photocopies of genealogical information concerning Anita's family as well as copies of a series of local newspaper articles she wrote entitled "Anita's Barrio Memories."

U 521.1 Kippra Hopper Papers, 1925-2022 and undated: The 4 box collection contains biographical information, printed material, research files, newsclippings and articles, interviews, and awards related to Hopper's career as a journalist, author and professional photographer.

U 553.1 Revis Jordan Scrapbook, 1955-1956 : This 1 wallet collection consists of news clippings, correspondence, and 17 photographs related to Revis Jordan's selection as the 1956 Maid of Cotton.

U 390.1 Luke Kahlich Collection, 1969 and undated: This 1 wallet collection contains 5 (undated) movie tickets from the Palace Theatre in Spur, Texas and newsletter no. 2 of "Name Change News" about the movement to change Texas Technological College's name. Luke Kahlich holds a B.A. degree (1971) and M.A. degree (1975) Texas Tech University.

U 335.1 Tom Kingsbery Collection, 1947-1948: This 1 wallet collection contains 12 photocopied pages from a scrapbook covering Kingsbery's involvement in the first Texas Tech Rodeo Team, which was established in 1947. The Block and Bridle Club began in 1930 and sponsored the All-College Rodeo. Tom Kingsbery attended Texas Tech in the late 1940s and was a member of the first Tech Rodeo Team as well as the Block and Bridle Club.  His daughter, Sue Kingsbery Porter was an early member of the Lady Raiders Basketball team.

U 448.1 Virginia Knapp Collection, 1930s-1940 and undated: This collection consists of two CDs - the first CD contains scans of photos of the Bradford Knapp family and Texas Tech during his presidential administration, and the second CD contains audio recordings of the 1940 graduation ceremony and DFD social club choral performance from the late 1930s. Also included is 8 color photocopies of the photographs. Virginia Knapp was the daughter of Bradford Knapp, second president of Texas Technological College, and granddaughter of Seaman Knapp A graduate of Texas Tech, Virginia was a retired school teacher and retired director of the Rusk County Historical Commission.

U 351.1 Robert Morgan Lively Collection, 1918-1940: This 1 box collection contains 70 photographs found at an estate sale. The majority of the images are the Morgan and Whiteright families from 1918-1923. There are also images from Lively's time in the military. Identified are Lively, Clarence Sharp, and Mrs. Jim Morgan. Of particular interest are the three "Texas Tech Industrial Engineering" images of a bus trip with that logo on the bus and a parade float. Robert Morgan Lively was born in August 1923 in Bonham, Texas. His father, L. Y. Lively, lived in Lubbock while Robert attended Texas Technological College and studied engineering. Robert graduated in May 1940 with a B.A. degree.

U 315.1 Grace Lyon Collection, 1968: This 1 wallet collections a letter from James G. Allen, Dean of Student Life, to R. J. Flechtner, along with a certificate stating that Mr. Flechtner was member #8 of "Dads Association Life Member." Mr. Flechtner had joined the newly founded Dad's Club, which later became the Dads Association, in the Fall of 1956 when his daughters came to Texas Tech. He did not receive his membership certificate until 12 years later. Mrs. Grace Flechtner Lyon and her twin sister, Kathryn Flechtner Gressett both graduated from Texas Technological College.

U 348.1 Marion McKinsey Collection, 1943-1976: This 1 box collection contains photographs of male students who attended Texas Technological College and lived at Mrs. Hatcher's boarding house. The bulk of the images were taken during the 1940s and many of the men are in military uniform. The men identified are Henderson Wilson, Foy Elrod, Truman L. Allen, Jeff A. Pirtle, William Saver, and Elroy Schoppa. Marion McKinsey is the great niece of Julia Wight Hatcher, who ran a men's boarding house at 1611 Avenue Y in Lubbock, Texas for students attending Texas Technological College. Mrs. Hatcher was fondly referred to as "Ma Hatcher" by her boarders.

U 514.1 Jim Matthews Photograph Collection, 1958 and undated: This 1 wallet collection contains 46 photographs of people attending a West Texas Historical Association meeting in Lubbock, Texas; the exterior of the old St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Lubbock, Texas; excavations at Presidio de San Saba in Menard, Texas; and Texas Tech Alphi Phi Omega students at various events and a mounted 1958 Alpha Phi Omega composite.

U 460.1 Inez Medlock Morrison Collection, 1925-1938: This 1 wallet collection consists of items found inside a Texas Tech yearbook which had belonged to Inez Medlock. She was one of the first women to attend Texas Tech when it opened in the fall of 1925. Included in the collection are one black and white photograph of Medlock during her first year at Texas Tech (1925-1926), 1 loose page of the first meeting minutes for the formation of a Spanish Club dated October 27, 1925, 1 page of Spanish Idioms, an empty envelope addressed to Mrs. Morrison dated 1938, and an envelope with two pages inside dated in 1938 with instructions to election officers for Portales, New Mexico.

U 601.1 Cormon McCain and Kathy Drake Collection, 1981: This 1 wallet collection consists of typed index cards of popular proverbs, wives tales, and local sayings collected by Carmon McCain and Kathy Drake in 1981. There was no documentation with the index cards, which were diposed of once photocopied. A copy of the online obituary for McCain, who was a 1985 Texas Tech graduate, was added to the collection.

U 273.1 C. Curtis Reese Scrapbook, 1920s and undated: This 1 wallet collections contains a scrapbook of Mrs. Cole's father, C. Curtis Reese, which includes scenes of the campus, students, ships and miscellaneous people. There are also images of Mr. Reese traveling around the world to places like Paris and surveying. Additionally, there are party invitations and handbills, many of which were for the Cheri Casa Home for Boys, one of the first boarding houses for students attending the newly established Texas Technological College. Some items from the scrapbook have been digitized here. C. Curtis Reese attended Texas Tech for three years in the mid-1920s and left Tech before finishing his degree.

U 379.1 Martin Reese Collection, 1936-1941: This 1 wallet collection contains four photographs, a publication concerning the firing of the Toreador editor, both of his Texas Tech diplomas, and a 1936-1937 student handbook which has been digitized.

U 466.1 Maria Rivas Collection, 1962-2009: This 1 wallet collection contains 2 DVDs with scans of newspaper clippings and photographs pertaining to Rivas' career in bilingual education, as well as her community work and also features other influential Latinos' work in the Lubbock community. Materials on the DVDs have been printed out.

U 446.1 Dub Rushing Collection, 1998: This 1 wallet collection contains a sprial bound copy Rushing's recollections of Texas Tech and Lubbock titled "The Horizon Campaign : Building on the First 75 Years' Texas Tech 1923-1998".

U 424.1 Dan Seale Photographs, 1946-1947: The collection consists of 27 black and white photographs of the stadium for the Rose Bowl (2 images), Texas Tech pep rally in front of the Adolphus Hotel in Dallas in the fall of 1947 (7 images), the 1947 Texas Tech homecoming parade for the TTC versus Baylor (10 images), Jones Stadium on fire while under construction (5 images), a TTC pep ralley on Broadway and College Avenues (2 images), and a dormitory decorated with banners for the football game against the bears.

U 281.1 Melinda Shanklin Papers, 1903-1989: This 1 box and 1 oversized folder collection was donated by Melinda Shanklin, granddaughter of James Marcus Gordon, and consists of news clippings, photographs, certificates and diplomas on the Gordon family. Also included is Gordon's correspondence and literary writings. James Marcus Gordon worked at Texas Technological College for its first twenty years, during which time he taught Latin and education classes and served as head of the philosophy and sociology department. He was dean of Arts and Sciences from 1925-1945, dean of men from 1925-1937, as well as and dean emeritus.

U 326.1 John C. Sims Collection, 1926-1927: This 1 wallet collection consists of a 1926 La Ventana and many loose pages torn from various Texas Tech publications, most of which depict campus buildings. The news clippings concern the first graduating class of 1927 and a brief bio of Anna Belle Collins. There is also a handwritten play called "Ouida" and a program for the First Annual Commencement, May 26-30, 1927. Pasted inside the La Ventana, towards the back, are numerous small black and white photographs. The photographs include the First Christian Church in Lubbock, people with a Lubbock Transportation Co. bus, the M. E. Church of Lubbock, and several unidentified people, as well as a postcard of the Lubbock County Court House. The pasted programs are for "The Spirit of West Texas" pageant, "A Light in the Lone Star" pageant, and first commencement at Texas Tech.

U 412.1 Betty Stanford Collection, 1955-1957: This 1 oversized box contains 9 articles of clothing related to the donor's time as a twirler when she attended Texas Tech. Betty Alice Lovelace (Mrs. Paul Stanford) served as a twirler with the band from 1954-1957.

U 349.1 John G. Taylor Sr. Collection, 2009: This collection consists of a printed copy of Mr. Taylor's remembrances on Texas Tech University history, its campus and people. John G. Taylor, Sr., worked for 31 years as a contracting and purchasing officer at Texas Tech University. He began working at Tech in 1949 and retired on January 31, 1981. His son, Dr. John G. Taylor, Jr., works at Texas Tech now.

U 438.1 Joyce Bell Teague Papers, 1947-2009: This 1 box and 1 oversized folder collection contains correspondence, reports, photographs and promotional materials related to the retail fashion industry. Joyce Bell Teague graduated graduated from Texas Technological College in 1936 and moved to California to begin a modeling career.

S 1199.1 Eloise Smith Wilson Papers, 1933-1939: The 2 scrapbooks deal with the social life of Eloise Smith and John H. Wilson at Texas Technological College in the 1930s. The scrapbooks are primarily filled with news clippings, photographs, wedding invitations, and other memorabilia of social activities.

U 531.1 Reagan Upshaw Papers, 1968-2023: This 1 box collection contains correspondence, photographs and publications by art critic and art gallery owner Reagan Upshaw dated between 1968-2023. Upshaw graduated from Texas Tech in 1970.

U 409.1 Zinn Family Collection, 1927-2014: This oversized box collection contains emails and printouts pertaining to Peter Hurd; an Arizona Highways magazine inscribed to John Zinn by Peter Hurd (1953); biographical information on John M. Zinn, Ella Ruth Zinn, and Paula Zinn Hunter; Ella's framed Crosbyton High School diploma (1927); the publication "History of the 413th Infantry Regiment (1946); and three different newspapers - "The Timberwolf: 104th Infantry Division" (1944), "National Timberwolf Association Membership Roster" (1944-1995), and "Timberwolf Howl" (1986-1995). Paula Zinn Hunter worked as an Assistant Registrar at Texas Tech for 17 years. Her father, John M. Zinn attended Texas Technological College in the 1950s during which time he was visit with artist Peter Hurd while Hurd was painting his mural in Holden Hall. Her great aunt, Ella Ruth Zinn, also attended Texas Tech in 1932.

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