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Index to the University Daily / Daily Toreador Newspaper, 1995-2001

The following is an index University Daily/Daily Toreador, the official newspaper for Texas Tech University. Each of the citations below include the date, page #/column, and description.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q-R, S, T, U, V, W-Z

Subjects starting with "E"

Earth Day l Editorials l Education, College of l Emergency Preparedness l Employment After Graduation l Engineering, College of l English Department l Enrollment l Environmental Health and Safety Department l Equestrian Team l Ex-students Association

Earth Day

4-23-96           1:1                         Tech students tie-dye T’s for Earth Day

4-21-97           1:1                         Earth Day brings global beat to Tech, campus

4-21-98           3:1                         Rockin’ one world; Tech group promotes awareness, celebration of Earth Day


9-1-95             2:1                         Parking problems; Tech officials need to install alternative policy

9-5-95             2:1                         Women’s rights:  Conference goals should be commended

9-6-95             2:1                         Multi-whatever; racial issues do not deserve separate class

9-7-95             2:1                         Tech residence hall life more than a nightmare

9-8-95             2:1                         Telephone features fun, free nightly entertainment

9-11-95           2:1                         New handbook glorifies college student lifestyles

9-12-95           2:1                         Tortilla Tech; new tortilla policy misses the mark

9-13-95           2:1                         O.J. trial keep public on the edge of doubt

9-14-95           2:1                         Education near as the closet Greyhound, delinquent teenager

9-15-95           2:1                         Sex-related lingo becomes commonplace in language

9-19-95           2:1                         Leaning on Mom is best policy in times of hardship, pain, need

9-20-95           2:1                         Rain creates messy Tech campus, change of atmosphere for Student

9-22-95           2:1                         The slash; welfare cuts will revamp system properly

9-28-95           2:1                         Unfair cuts; less worthy programs should be examined

10-2-95           2:1                         Party’s over; Perot’s Forum Party creates rill in election

10-13-95         2:1                         Raise the pay; Tech faculty need larger salaries

10-27-95         2:1                         Speed up; limits should go up to match lifestyles

11-10-95         2:1                         Powell creates apathy in 1996 presidency race

11-14-95         2:1                         U.S. officials should rev up fair compromise

11-15-95         2:1                         Tech administration makes little effort to solve constant campus parking problems

11-27-95         2:1                         Bosnia should be ‘no go’ for American troops

11-29-95         2:1                         Lawless, administrators lack good judgment

12-1-95           2:1                         Punishment belongs in guardians’ hands

1-17-96           2:1                         Council shows down limits just enough

1-17-96           2:1                         Sexuality has no place in parenting

1-18-96           2:1                         Jordan should be heralded as great leader

1-18-96           2:1                         Buying college today pays off tomorrow

1-19-96           2:1                         Actions of few do not make America dangerous

1-19-96           2:1                         Lubbock should woo college graduates

1-22-96           2:1                         Texas Tech fan exhibit poor sportsmanship

1-22-96           2:1                         Pledge deserves to be said

1-23-96           2:1                         Jackson-Presley union just a bad mess

1-23-96           2:1                         NASA projects back on the rebound

1-24-96           2:1                         Lubbock needs minor league hockey team

1-29-96           2:1                         Teachers need sex education too

2-5-96             2:1                         Victims’ right supporters hail victory

2-14-96           2:1                         Wife should determine her own prerogative

2-15-96           2:1                         Gramm’s withdrawal provides political blessing

2-20-96           2:1                         It’s time for Lawless to leave

3-6-96             2:1                         UC fee increase worth voting for

3-13-96           2:1                         Freemen deserves SA president position

3-28-96           2:4                         Affirmative action removal positive change

4-2-96             2:1                         Special education students deserve own class

4-15-96           2:1                         McQuay should lose freedom, not testicles

4-17-96           2:1                         Massive blackout should tech preparedness

4-18-96           2:1                         Recommendations show little reform

4-23-96           2:1                         All sexes fit to be parents, nurturers

8-26-96           2:1                         Administrators should apply funds to academics

8-28-96           2:1                         Tech needs more academic donations

9-11-96           2:1                         Arena shouldn’t focus on moot points

10-1-96           2:1                         Student should vote, but vote ‘no’

10-15-96         2:1                         Safety top priority with Masked Rider

10-17-96         2:1                         Tech fraternity deserves punishment

10-22-96         2:1                         Montford should follow records laws

10-31-96         2:1                         Students need to take voting seriously

1-13-97           2:1                         Alcohol on campus deserves discussion

1-22-97           2:1                         Gingrich should dole out his own money

1-23-97           2:1                         Students should fight apathy for future

3-5-97             2:1                         Freeman deserves SA president’s office

3-5-97             2:3                         Clayton will do best to represent students

3-5-97             2:5                         Teague will focus on biggest Tech issues

3-10-97           2:1                         Athletic department needs serious help

3-25-97           2:1                         New grading system needs more scrutiny

3-27-97           2:1                         Editorial board makes response to jibe

4-8-97             2:1                         Students should make plan top priority

9-2-97             4:2                         Add-drop period should be for students

9-9-97             4:2                         SGA scores with off-campus shuttle

11-4-97           4:1                         Blame falls at Tech’s feet

1-16-98           4:1                         Tax hike not beneficial to Texas Tech students

2-23-98           4:1                         Campus disciplinary hearings should be open

3-4-98             4:1                         Students should support rec fee

8-30-99           A4:5                       Another year, same parking situation

8-31-99           4:5                         Financial aid fixed, campus happier

1-31-00           4:2                         Bells need to be restored, used

2-28-00           5:1                         SGA endorsements

8-28-00           A4:1                       Students’ parking needs not being met

9-1-00             4:1                         Scmidly shows passion for Tech, jobs

9-7-00             4:1                         Store discounts students’ needs (IS&N)

11-6-00           4:1                         Student Senate does not exist for senators

2-7-01             4:4                         Bill discourages diversity

2-16-01           4:3                         Student section is a farce

2-27-01           4:1                         UD relinquishes SGA ties; demands student action

3-29-06           4:1                         King of the Hill Challenge:  Justice a universal good

2-29-06           4:2                         King of the Hill Challenge:  Functional societies need freedom

3-30-06           1:4                         Seven Heaven:  Sleep study shows optimal length of snooze sessions

3-30-06           4:1                         Attendance policy shouldn’t be enforced in most classes

3-30-06           4:2                         Letter to the Editor:  Kopf column against West Texas family values, in response to Abie Kopf’s column, “Changes in the American family should be respected” (From 3-27-06)

3-31-06           3:1                         Could be time to rinse your mouth out with soap, study finds profanity increasingly used in everyday conversations and by children

3-31-06           4:1                         King of the Hill Challenge:  Happiness Requires Freedom

3-31-06           4:2                         King of the Hill Challenge:  Justice restrains abuses of Liberty

2-27-07           4:1                         Dear Students of Texas Tech, vote during SGA elections

2-27-07           5:2                         Academy Awards ceremony yields proud moments, handful of surprises

2-28-07           4:1                         A Lesson on LSD

2-28-07           6:1                         ‘American Idol puts a dent in today’s music industry

2-28-07           6:2                         FOX hits a new low in realm of reality television

Education, College of

2-13-96           3:5                         Lubbock educators honored for outstanding contribution

2-19-96           3:1                         Tech education grant awards minority students incentives

4-22-97           1:1                         Program looks at minority education

9-22-97           2:1                         College of Education brings world to students

10-22-97         2:1                         Annual program aims to recruit diverse students

4-10-98           3:1                         College of Education receives grant

4-21-98           1:1                         Tech college recognizes teachers

9-9-98             1:5                         College of Education granted accreditation

10-14-98         2:1                         Program provides students with extra help

1-26-99           1:1                         Complex receives $80,000 donation

2-12-99           2:1                         Perspective Techsans to invade campus

3-1-99             2:1                         Aides TAP into Tech teaching program

3-12-99           3:1                         TSEA members to travel to Austin for state convention

3-30-99           3:1                         TSEA attends competition in Austin

4-1-99             3:1                         Schools given professional twist

4-9-99             1:1                         Tech announces opening of Sowell Research Center

4-9-99             1:2                         College of Education unveils donation plans for complex

4-12-99           1:1                         Sowell Center celebrated by Tech, Lubbock

4-14-99           5:1                         College of Education to honor teachers

4-23-99           1:6                         Simulations prepare teachers for crisis issues

4-30-99           1:2                         Saturday reception kicks off Education Week events

6-18-99           2:2                         Education dean retires effective Sept. 1

9-28-99           1:2                         Program receives accreditation

2-17-00           1:5                         Education dean candidate drops out of running

3-7-00             1:2                         Moses granted tenure in education college

3-22-00           1:5                         Dean of Education candidate returns

4-21-00           1:2                         Education college names new dean (Stephen Bowes)

4-25-00           2:1                         Education college receives honors

10-12-00         2:1                         ‘World Café’ promotes diversity

10-19-00         2:1                         Public school kids huddle with Tech colleges, students (Dean’s Future Scholars)

Emergency Preparedness

3-11-97           3:1                         Emergency preparedness; Texas Tech officials plan rest of updated warning system Wednesday

4-23-99           1:1                         Plan prepares Tech for disasters

Employment After Graduation

4-5-96             3:5                         Telephone survey spotlights interaction in Tech program

1-30-97           1:1                         Survey reveals average pay for Tech graduates

6-15-97           1:1                         IBM ranks Tech among top schools (for recruiting)

3-2-98             1:4                         Value of liberal art degree rises

12-8-99           3:1                         Job market outlooks good

2-9-01             1:5                         Tech students concentrating on initial jobs

Employment on Campus

10-1-96           1:1                         Increase affects student salaries

9-14-99           1:2                         Pay raises may cause extra strain

5-3-00             1:4                         Student employees may be exempt from FICA tax

Engineering, College of

11-28-95         3:1                         Group names Tech ‘School of Interest’; honor result of  engineering program

11-29-95         3:3                         Russians return to Tech to improve program; good to bring technology to oil industry

1-25-96           3:2                         Female engineering enrollment rises

3-14-96           3:5                         New chairmen enriches Tech engineering fields (Maddox Chair, Henryk Temkin)

3-15-96           4:5                         Tech colleges advance south

4-5-96             3:1                         Tech team tags tornado, storm awareness; research group looks at disasters

6-14-96           1:4                         Tech team places fifth in national competition (1996 Propane Vehicle Challenge)

9-20-96           5:1                         Tornadoes and spaceships change Tech engineering

10-14-96         3:3                         Global diversity focus of conference

11-6-96           1:5                         Tech students fight to keep department (Engineering Technology)

11-8-96           4:1                         Excellence in education; Tech engineering professor awarded for skillful teaching, landed by former students (Darrell Vines)

11-8-96           4:5                         Campus building renamed in honor f Tech graduate (Charles A. Bassett II)

11-11-96         1:3                         Engineering technology students win brief respite

11-13-96         5:5                         College of Engineering ends minority problem

11-18-96         1:1                         Students request merger in information

1-14-97           1:1                         Future unknown for department

1-27-97           4:1                         Team of student creates propane-fueled vehicle for future use

2-10-97           3:1                         Engineering students represent Tech to community

2-24-97           5:4                         Electrical Education; department shows power of Tech engineering degrees

2-25-97           1:4                         Engineering merger possibility fading

4-3-97             4:1                         Distinguished alumni receive honors; College of Engineering awards five graduates for outstanding work in field

4-23-97           1:1                         Graduation brings order to engineering students

9-30-97           3:1                         Leadership goal of new engineering chair (James McDonald/Civil Engineering)

10-27-97         2:1                         Trail run fosters student interest in certain areas

11-18-97         2:3                         Tech departments fueling success

3-4-98             1:4                         Job fair brings opportunities

4-6-98             1:6                         Company’s donation funds Tech laboratory

4-29-98           1:1                         Students’ robots come to life in demo

6-9-98             7:1                         Futuristic car takes Tech students to Detroit

9-2-98             3:1                         Freshman engineering students attend mandatory camp

11-13-98         1:2                         Students rev up minds to compete in Future Car

1-29-99           5:1                         Tech graduate returns to led department (Alan Graham-Chem. Egn.)

2-4-99             2:3                         Chairman ready for commitment (Daniel Cooke-Computer Science)

2-10-99           2:1                         Two classes offer hands-on experience for students (Tech writing, computer science)

2-15-99           3:4                         Engineering fair offers internships

2-23-99           3:5                         Engineering Day informs students

3-1-99             2:4                         Engineering competition brings high school students canoe to competition

4-1-99             1:3                         If you build it, it could float, group to take concrete canoe to competition

4-9-99             1:5                         Tech engineers receive funding (Dow Chemical)

5-5-99             2:5                         Marcy appointed engineering dean

5-25-99           3:2                         Chemical Engineering Department updates system

6-1-99             1:1                         Students take car to competition

6-8-99             3:1                         Students get head start with program

6-15-99           2:2                         Tech’s Future Car places seventh

8-30-99           A10:1                     College of Engineering bridges the gap fro freshman

10-26-99         1:2                         Board reviews engineering college

10-26-99         1:4                         Institute joins Tech center (National Institute for Engineering Ethics)

11-22-99         1:2                         Department set for renovations:  Chemical Engineering plans to improve research division

11-29-99         1:2                         McKenna named first Bradford

12-8-99           1:6                         Program established with NASA

12-8-99           5:1                         Graduates to be inducted into society (Tau Beta Pi)

1-20-00           1:1                         Work begins on Future Truck

1-31-00           2:2                         Students ready for unique construction contest

2-22-00           1:5                         Engineering department changing its name (Electrical and Computer Engineering)

2-28-00           2:2                         Day of engineering a success with locals (Engineering Day at Science Spectrum)

4-14-00           5:1                         Annual engineering short course successful

6-23-00           1:1                         Tech students make truck of the future

7-11-00           3:1                         Tech engineering students a cut above in Texas

7-18-00           1:1                         Couple donates $1M to benefit College of Engineering

10-11-00         2:1                         Exxon Corp. grants sum to Tech college

10-30-00         3:1                         Student performs duties of dean for a day (Casey Davis)

11-6-00           1:5                         Status issues arise

1-12-01           1:2                         Engineering collects $2M

2-7-01             2:3                         Tech wind engineers begin training course

2-22-01           2:1                         Engineering Week moves “Outside the key”

2-23-01           3:2                         U.S. Navy admiral visits Texas Tech

English Department

9-21-95           5:1                         Students can display talents on Web (Prairie Island Literary Review)

4-15-96           4:2                         English conference showcases Tech’s graduate offerings, services

4-28-97           1:4                         Gay literature courses may have place at Tech

2-4-99             3:1                         Tech master’s degree possible with online services

2-10-99           2:1                         Two classes offer hands-on experiences for students (Tech writing, computer science)

4-30-99           5:1                         Department of English to honor students, faculty, alumni today

9-21-99           1:5                         English building suffers damage

10-22-99         1:5                         Faculty still bothered about audit


9-14-95           1:1                         Enrollment figures show slight increase

9-19-95           1:6                         Minority enrollment increases

9-21-95           3:2                         Correction to story 9/19

9-27-95           1:1                         TTUHSC enrollment up by 50 students

9-28-95           1:1                         Non-traditional student enrollment rises

2-5-96             1:4                         Enrollment continues to rise

9-16-96           1:1                         Tech enrollment continues to rise

9-25-97           1:1                         Tech enrollment increases since 1996

2-12-98           1:1                         Hopwood may explain drop in students

9-22-98           3:1                         Tech enrollment figures drop

9-24-98           1:5                         Minority enrollment remains same

2-9-99             1:1                         Spring enrollment figures down

2-24-99           1:5                         Enrollment lowest in 11-year span

9-17-99           1:5                         Enrollment increases marginally

9-29-99           1:4                         Tech high on enrollment

9-29-99           1:2                         Student numbers up during first 75 years

10-15-99         1:5                         Minority enrollment increases

2-10-00           1:2                         Preliminary enrollment numbers up

6-23-00           1:5                         No problems in sight due to fall enrollment increase

9-18-00           1:4                         Enrollment increases exceeds 25,000 mark

9-28-00           1:2                         Raiderland population gets boost

2-12-01           1:2                         Raider enrollment receives boost

Environmental Health and Safety Department

3-6-96             7:2                         Tech department focuses on safety, health issues

Equestrian Team

4-2-96             4:3                         Tech students ride to national tourney

Ex-students Association

11-11-96         1:1                         Tech Ex-Students applauds alumni; Arbuckle, Hutcheson, Isom Recognized

4-28-98           2:1                         Ring ceremony kicks off tradition in Merket Alumni Center

3-3-99             1:2                         Student offered new tradition, ceremony (60 hr. rings)

4-1-99             2:1                         Students still can be part of ceremony

4-9-99             3:1                         Exit dinner given to graduating seniors

11-30-00         1:2                         Red Raiders garner millennium graduation jewelry


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