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Below are historical tidbits on the establishment and growth of Texas Tech University.
Index to the University Daily / Daily Toreador Newspaper, 1995-2007

The following is an index University Daily/Daily Toreador, the official newspaper for Texas Tech University. Each of the citations below include the date, page #/column, and description.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q-R, S, T, U, V, W-Z

Facilities Master Plan

1-15-97           1:1                         Regents view Tech’s master plan in August

2-17-97           1:6                         Regents approve new master plan

3-3-97             1:1                         Master plan may move Tech plant lab

3-4-97             1:1                         Tech’s master plan may disrupt city’s goals

3-7-97             1:1                         Parking top issue at forum

3-7-97             1:6                         Architects define future of campus

3-10-97           1:1                         Master Plan receives praise, criticism

4-24-97           1:1                         City may not support street closure

5-28-97           4:1                         Case may impact rerouting of Indiana Avenue

9-2-97             1:1                         Mastering the future campus vision moves closer to becoming reality

9-5-97             1:1                         Scientists fight to keep research land

10-7-97           1:1                         Part of Tech land spared for gold course

10-8-97           1:1                         Plan’s details worry faculty

10-9-97           1:1                         Officials say plan will ease parking

10-23-97         1:1                         Structures may ease parking

11-10-97         1:4                         Board approves plan

1-14-98           1:1                         Parking lots new aim of Master Plan

2-5-98             1:1                         Tech plan includes hotel

3-26-98           1:1                         Tech road may receive funding

4-29-98           1:1                         Golf coarse plans considered

6-9-98             1:1                         Memorial Circle revamped under Master Plan

6-30-98           4:1                         Millennium Circle; bonfire site in Master Plan

10-30-98         1:2                         Ag college to temporarily close 15th Street

11-17-98         1:1                         15th St. hiatus stimulates closing

11-30-98         2:1                         Students collaborate on efforts to improve pedestrian mall design

3-23-99           1:1                         Resignation not to affect Master Plan

5-4-99             1:5                         Irrigation of top priority in Tech plan

9-26-00           1:6                         Town hall session set

9-27-00           1:2                         Forum gets low turnout

Faculty Forum

9-21-95           2:2                         Faculty Forum invites Tech student input

Faculty Honors Convocation

4-14-99           1:1                         Faculty recognized for excellence in teaching

Faculty Meetings

9-9-97             2:4                         Improvement points, changes discussed at fall faculty meeting

Faculty Profiles

9-12-95           1:1                         Law professor mediates bilingual case

9-20-95           1:1                         Tech engineering dean visits Siberia (Jorge Aunon)

9-25-95           1:5                         Tech faculty member dies (Pamela Cooper)

9-27-95           3:1                         Professor finds flair for Southwest (Joe Bilello)

9-29-95           3:1                         Professor appreciates ‘pioneer spirit’ (Hendricka Buclinckx)

11-15-95         3:1                         Forage professor finds home at Tech (Vivien Allen)

11-21-95         4:1                         Professor receives ASME prestige (Edward Anderson)

1-17-96           4:3                         New chairman begins Chemistry quest (David Roundhill)

2-2-96             5:1                         Tech professor veers from mainstream (Alden Roberts)

3-15-96           4:1                         Education presides over national council (Don Garnett)

3-15-96           4:4                         Administrator attempts to wear two hats (Jim Brunjes)

4-9-96             3:1                         Professor wins with articles about competitive theory (Shelby Hunt)

8-26-96           D1:4                       Horn professor digs dinosaurs, names find after Texas Tech (S. Chatterjee)

10-11-96         1:1                         Tenured professor possibly loses job (O. Hensley)

10-29-96         3:1                         Long distance learning:  Tech professor grant to tech, research in former Soviet Union Republic (Kurt Bruder)

11-26-96         3:1                         Tech professor studies voter habits; Neale Pearson travels  world, examines different cultures’ political structures

1-15-97           3:1                         Tech professor wins first place in international dissertation contest (Amarnath Prakash)

1-22-97           3:1                         Engineering professor aids motor company (Walt Oler)

2-4-97             1:1                         Education professor receives top reward

2-6-97             1:6                         Memorial set for interim chairman

2-11-97           1:3                         Fulbright recipient to teach in Paraguay (Robert Owen)

2-18-97           1:4                         Regents announce two new Horn professors (Menzel, Nguyen)

4-28-97           5:1                         Tech psychology professor dies (Jason Albrecht)

4-29-97           7:5                         Students, faculty attend memorial (Albrecht)

4-30-97           3:1                         Current, former students honor retiring professor (Mary Owens)

5-28-97           8:1                         Brink named assistant provost of academic affairs

8-1-97             6:1                         UNLV professor moves to Tech (J. Kottler)

9-3-97             3:1                         New institute direction utilizes former air base

9-11-97           3:1                         Researcher takes assistant professor’s position

9-15-97           5:1                         Right-Hand Man; Deputy Chancellor brings ‘broad background’ to position (James Crowson)

9-19-97           3:1                         Professor uses scout lessons, psychology in law

9-22-97           1:5                         Tech professor will run for Congressional seat

9-24-97           1:5                         Professor refused admission in lawsuit

9-24-97           2:2                         Tech professor’s running goal; to promote ‘no swimming’ signs

9-25-97           5:1                         Strong helps Upward bound excel

10-7-97           2:2                         Congressional bid educates professor (Mark Harmon)

10-13-97         1:1                         Professor burns shirt for playa lake fund (Vance Zider)

10-23-97         7:2                         Professor portrays life in art (Lahib Jabbo)

10-30-97         1:3                         Former Tech band director dies at 70

11-3-97           1:1                         Opperman brings financial knowledge to Tech

11-14-97         1:1                         Tech professor being audited (K.  Hennessey)

11-20-97         3:1                         Professor balances teaching, traveling (Murray Havens)

12-4-97           1:5                         Tech band director dies (James Sudduth)

1-12-98           1:1                         Tech vice provost dies in holiday accident (Virginia Sowell)

1-15-98           3:1                         Tech professor cashes in for lottery position

1-29-98           1:2                         Tech music teacher appeals to students’ rhythm in class, workshop

2-9-98             1:1                         Connecting Mind, Body, Self; Yoga puts students in touch with body

2-17-98           2:1                         Tech professor writes the book on Texas agriculture (Paul Vaughn)

3-11-98           1:1                         Professor dominates in primaries (Mark Harmon)

6-2-98             1:4                         Professors create economic vision

7-28-98           5:1                         Jarchow helps creation of Saudi Arabia college

8-31-98           9:1                         Former Tech law lecturer helps resolve issues in McLaren stand-off

9-15-98           2:1                         Professor receives high award

9-29-98           5:5                         Vice President receives award (Bob Ewalt)

10-9-98           2:1                         Tech professor receives first-ever designation

10-28-98         1:1                         Tech law professor testifies

11-13-98         7:1                         Tech professor makes mark in world poetry (Walt McDonald)

11-23-98         1:1                         Tech professor’s legacy at school continues (Bill Dean)

1-21-99           3:1                         Tech professor travel abroad for book (John Howe)

1-22-99           3:1                         Tech faculty member named educator of the year (Don Garnett)

1-29-99           1:3                         Retired Tech math professor dead at 61 (Derald Walling)

1-29-99           5:1                         Tech graduate returns to lead department (Alan Graham)

2-4-99             2:3                         Chairman ready for commitment (Daniel Cooke)

2-5-99             6:1                         Associate professor selected for seminar in Austria

2-24-99           3:2                         Professor receives award, continues research (So-hyun Joo)

3-3-99             6:1                         Tech professor ends presidential term (Eduardo Segarra)

3-8-99             3:1                         Tech professor elected for Scientific Advisory Panel (Ronald Kendall)

3-10-99           1:5                         Professor returns to alma mater, chairs department (Gilmour Reese)

3-11-99           2:1                         Tech professors receives highest honor (New Horn Profs., Ken Ketner and Clyde Jones)

3-22-99           1:2                         Tech professors take to the skies

3-23-99           1:2                         Schoolhouse rock, Tech professors rock Hub City nightlife

3-26-99           6:1                         Professor named Lubbock’s poet laureate

4-1-99             5:1                         National Poetry Month highlights area poets (Walt McDonald, Bill Wenthe)

4-6-99             3:3                         Tech professor receives research grant (Phil Dennis)

4-26-99           5:3                         Professor to recite original poetry (Don Rude)

4-28-99           3:1                         Brink wins award for freshman program

4-29-99           1:1                         Tech professors receives grants to study abroad

5-5-99             2:1                         Professor travels long road to Tech

5-5-99             2:5                         Marcy appointed engineering dean

5-5-99             3:1                         Texas Tech professor studies hail damage (Milton Smith)

6-8-99             2:3                         Poetic justice; Texas Tech English professor garners recognition

6-11-99           6:1                         One dead man walking into the future

6-22-99           2:2                         Tech instructor take home Jiu-Jitsu gold

7-9-99             3:2                         Professor garners international award

7-16-99           3:1                         Tech duo complete in Brazilian tournament (Klay Pittman)

8-6-99             1:2                         Crossing Life and Art (Tina Fuentes)

9-14-99           3:1                         Professor returns to classroom to teach, learn

10-8-99           1:2                         Professor uses characters to convey message

10-8-99           3:2                         Professor involved with books for entertainment, education (James Watkins)

10-11-99         1:2                         Professor memorializes animals (Adelaide Paul)

10-12-99         1:2                         Texas Tech professor of art dies at 59 (Bill Bagley)

10-18-99         3:1                         Arts and Sciences dean honored for advancement of women at Tech

10-20-99         5:1                         Professor vows to put art back into core curriculum (Dennis Fehr)

10-26-99         2:1                         Tech professor to be honored for professional work

11-9-99           2:2                         Professor honored for work

11-11-99         2:1                         Nelson decided to retire after 35 years with Tech

11-29-99         5:1                         Nature, dreams, memory inspire Tech artist’s work (James Watkins)

12-1-99           5:1                         Professor puts different light on teaching

12-2-99           5:1                         RHIM professor goes extra mile for students (Charlie Adams)

1-18-00           3:1                         Department goes Fish-ing for new chairman

1-24-00           1:4                         Skoog inducted into hall of fame

1-31-00           3:2                         Law School honors professor with award (Brian Shannon)

2-1-00             1:3                         SRC to be named in honor of Ewalt

2-7-00             1:2                         Courtyard renamed for Dean Nelson

2-11-00           2:2                         Poet laureate releases new book

2-16-00           1:2                         Tech regents award four more Horn Professorships

2-18-00           2:1                         Prof. honored for 50 years of service

2-21-00           1:2                         Four Tech professors awarded Fulbright Scholarship

2-29-00           3:1                         Doctor receives award for work, compassion

3-10-00           1:2                         Tech computer science chair to head NASA initiative

3-20-00           2:1                         Tech professor honored for teaching style

3-20-00           3:1                         Teacher clicks with students

3-22-00           2:1                         Wilde’s life work rewarded

3-31-00           2:2                         Tech poetry collection receives Western honor

4-17-00           2:1                         Professor awarded for dissertation

4-18-00           1:2                         HSC speech pathologist appointed to state board

4-19-00           2:1                         English professor recognized for original research

4-27-00           1:2                         choir director to replace baton with chalk sticks

4-27-00           2:2                         The power of redemption

6-20-00           2:2                         AAFC announces award winners (Elizabeth Hally)

7-21-00           2:2                         Schmidly to be replaced with new blood (Robert Sweazy)

8-28-00           A8:1                       Bowes replaces Hovey as education dean

8-28-00           A8:2                       Plant soil science chair to take leave of absence (Dick Auld)

8-29-00           10:1                       Tech professor earns state recognition (Walt McDonald, Tx. Poet Laureate)

9-1-00             5:1                         Wampler to be editor of top publication in field (Karen Wompler)

10-5-00           1:2                         Forsyth conquers ultimate challenge (Gary Forsyth, blind history prof.)

10-19-00         1:5                         Klock services set today (Retired faculty, Sheldon Klock, Jr.)

10-25-00         5:1                         Addition to Ag. Department makes difference (Cindy Akers)

11-2-00           3:1                         Instructor goes for Iron Man (Tomas Leclerc)

11-2-00           2:1                         Director to receive BFC award (Carl Anderson)

11-9-00           3:1                         Dean discusses issues helps students (Bill Dean, Mass. Comm.)

11-13-00         3:1                         Professor named poet laureate (Walt McDonald)

12-1-00           5:3                         Associate Dean approaches life as thing of beauty, never ending learning experience

1-11-01           3:1                         Tech prof. takes free ride (Mark Stoll)

1-31-01           2:1                         Texas Legislature honors Skoog

Faculty Senate

9-14-95           1:1                         Faculty Senate discusses general use fee, multimedia center fee increase will pay for salary increases, center provides Tech with up-to-date image for freshman

10-12-95         3:1                         Bourne addresses student issues at Faculty Senate

11-9-95           1:1                         Faculty Senate discusses early classes

1-17-96           3:3                         tech Faculty Senate tackles million dollar question

1-18-96           3:1                         Faculty Senate leaves funds undistributed

2-15-96           3:5                         New resolutions elicit response from Lawless

3-14-96           5:5                         Senate decrees support for Haragan

4-11-96           3:1                         Appropriation of funds highlights Faculty Senate meeting

10-10-96         1:5                         Faculty Senate discuss future of tenure

11-14-96         3:1                         Faculty Senate discusses future of tenure, department; Requests made for campus input in College of Engineering merger

1-16-97           1:1                         Faculty senate passes selection plan

2-13-97           1:1                         Dykes tackles absences

2-13-97           1:5                         Faculty fights funs paying administrators

3-13-97           1:5                         Faculty Senate toughens Athletic Council’s role

3-13-97           1:6                         Tenure review under criticism

3-26-97           1:1                         Faculty Senate looks to improve tenure policy

4-3-97             1:1                         Senate finds parking problems in plan

3-26-97           1:1                         Faculty looks to improve tenure policy

4-3-97             1:1                         Senate finds parking problems in plan

4-10-97           1:4                         Faculty faces revised performance review

9-11-97           1:1                         Faculty concerned about campus plan, public perception

10-9-97           1:1                         Faculty Senate considers Honors College

11-6-97           2:4                         Faculty Senate ponders admission standards

1-15-98           1:1                         Faculty question bookstore’s intent

2-12-98           1:5                         Dean tells faculty of Greek’s problems

2-16-98           1:6                         Senators see no need for tenure change

3-12-98           1:1                         Honors College not costly, attracts students

4-9-98             1:1                         Post tenure reviewed again

4-9-98             1:5                         Faculty recommend harassment training

9-10-98           1:1                         Faculty Senate discusses garages

10-15-98         1:1                         Senate discusses parking garages

10-16-98         1:5                         Faculty okays changes in college

2-11-99           2:4                         Montford speaks to Faculty Senate

3-11-99           1:3                         Faculty discusses benefits for partners

3-11-99           2:1                         Faculty Senate elects officers for 1999-2000 term

4-15-99           1:5                         Officials cancel meeting with faculty

9-10-99           5:1                         Faculty Senate meets to discuss parking situation

10-27-99         1:2                         Faculty wants answers to budget questions

9-14-00           3:1                         Study shows teacher evaluation system faulty

Faculty-Staff Salaries

9-22-95           1:1                         Lawless discusses raises; Tech president says faculty needs larger salary

10-13-95         1:1                         Faculty pay among nation’s lowest

11-15-96         1:1                         Administration lowest paid in Texas

1-13-97           1:3                         Regents approve faculty pay increase

5-30-98           1:1                         Administrators push Austin for staff raises

11-17-97         1:5                         Faculty salaries low across Texas

3-6-98             2:2                         Administrators’ salaries demoralize staff, faculty

3-10-98           1:1                         Montford gets raise; faculty salaries lag

3-24-98           1:1                         Faculty pay raise surpasses staffs’

9-3-98             1:1                         Faculty to receives $3M pay hike

4-6-99             1:1                         Faculty could see 7 percent pay increase

8-31-99           2:3                         Tech staff and faculty to receive salary increase

4-28-00           1:4                         Tech faculty eligible for salary increase

5-2-00             1:2                         Faculty give opinions on state pay raise

Family Day

11-2-98           3:1                         Talent show is part of Family Day Weekend

Family Guidance and Outreach Center

2-28-07           7-1                         Family Guidance Center extends helping hand

Federal Funding

3-5-99             1:1                         Officials present funding proposals in D.C.

10-14-99         1:5                         Tech may land more funding

2-15-00           1:2                         Book to help Tech acquire funding

3-1-00             1:5                         NSF gives Tech grant for wheat research

8-1-0               3:1                         Grant could further research, save species

10-24-00         1:6                         Funding increase approved (Space Sciences Center)

10-30-00         1:2                         House okays wind research grant

11-13-00         1:6                         Economic standing improves (Economic Development Administration University Center)

1-12-01           1:2                         Engineering collects $2M

Feed Your Body and Soul Week

2-27-07           5:2                         Feed your Body and Soul Week begins, focuses on raising awareness about eating disorders and body image

Fees and Tuition 

9-5-95             1:4                         Despite 9.4 percent budget increase, Tech still under funded, Cosby says

9-22-95           1:5                         Student senators applaud fee hike

1-30-96           3:3                         Out-of-state tuition change to affect Tech; New waivers require  higher scholarships

4-25-96           1:1                         Tech’s general use fee to increase

4-26-96           1:5                         Tech faculty, staff hopeful about fee

4-30-96           1:1                         Out-of-state students benefit

6-26-96           1:2                         State senator calls for accountability, input on university fee increases

8-26-96           8:1                         Cost of education rises again for 1996-97 school year

10-30-96         1:1                         Committee seeks student fee input

1-28-97           1:3                         Sharp proposes tuition hike for career students

5-28-97           1:2                         Tech regents raise tuition rates

8-12-97           1:1                         Legislature gives rebates to future graduates

2-24-98           1:2                         Tech students face higher tuition

3-5-98             1:1                         Regents consider fee increase

3-5-98             1:5                         Tech student approve rec. fees

3-13-98           1:1                         Regents raise student’s fees

3-25-98           1:5                         Most students accept latest fee increase

8-31-98           1:1                         Campus:  Tech alumni have least debt

2-3-99             1:1                         Tuition expected to rise

2-25-99           1:1                         Senate modifies education bull; ‘slacker laws’ changed to help students

2-26-99           1:1                         UC fee hike to go before students

3-5-99             1:1                         Students senators agree to send fee hike to legislature

3-31-99           1:1                         Texas Senate to vote on fee hike; increase would raise student service fees for UC renovations

4-2-99             1:1                         Fee could help alleviate parking problems

4-14-99           1:6                         Senate votes to raise UC fee cap

3-5-99             1:1                         Proposed bill could decrease tuition

10-5-99           1:5                         Applicant fee hike in works

2-1-00             1:2                         Fall fee increase topic of meeting

2-3-00             1:3                         Fee increase set to go before Regents

6-23-00           2:1                         Tech graduate students may get some fees waived

8-31-00           1:2                         Waiver benefits grad students

9-6-00             1:2                         Auditors question tuition reports

10-24-00         1:2                         Officials propose Rec. Center combo

1-11-01           1:2                         Tuition payment schedule altered

Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance

9-15-99           5:6                         Pro-choice films to be shown in UC

Financial Aid 

9-1-95             3:1                         Scholarship helps ease students’ financial burdens

9-15-95           4:1                         Financial aid information available to students on web

10-31-96         3:1                         Students, faculty arguer validity of direct student loans

1-15-97           1:5                         Students wait for loan checks

1-17-97           1:4                         Hudgins takes helm of Tech financial aid

1-31-97           1:1                         Senate looks to fix financial aid troubles

2-7-97             3:3                         Financial aid offers opportunities

2-5-98             2:1                         Tech plans financial aid workshops for area students

3-6-98             1:4                         Bill could lower student loan rates

3-11-98           1:5                         Deadline for financial aid approaches

6-5-98             1:1                         Aid office deals with understaffing

10-29-98         1:1                         Student loan default rates lowed

1-20-99           1:1                         Financial aid fiasco termed foul

1-20-99           6:1                         Students get tax relief on loans

1-22-99           1:4                         Students awaiting aid checks see some relief

2-19-99           1:2                         Senate proposes financial aid solution

4-12-99           1:1                         Financial aid process modified:  Electronic funds transfers, mailing of refund checks, online access added to list of charges

8-XX-99          6:1                         Welcome Issue:  Work Study Program offers students alternative of financial aid

8-30-99           A2:1                       Financial Aid Office undergoes speedy changes

10-4-99           3:1                         Bill increases maximum Pell Grant amount

11-3-99           1:2                         Amendments pass, Tech to receive additional funding

11-3-99           3:1                         Drug use may present Tech students from receiving aid

11-18-99         1:5                         Congress:  funds are due if exiting early

1-18-00           1:2                         Financial aid goes World Wide Web


4-4-96             1:1                         Three campus fires puzzle officials

12-9-97           1:1                         Officials suspect arson in Tech fire

6-19-98           6:1                         Tech to receive new fire station on campus

2-23-99           1:2                         Tech fixing fire code hazards

1-16-01           1:2                         Chemistry experiment flaw causes fire

2-19-01           2:2                         Fire erupts in Coleman trash chute

Flying Raiders

11-3-95           8:1                         Flying Riders skydiving club makes landing at Tech

11-14-95         1:2                         Not afraid to fall; experience teaches new skydivers to take risks

10-5-98           10:1                       Flying Raiders soar above college life every weekend


9-6-95             8:2                         Tech corners ready to face Penn State Duo

9-8-95             9:1                         Tech looks for upset of Penn State

9-11-95           10:1                       Red Raiders can play with nation’s best teams

9-11-95           10:2                       Penn State Squeaks by Tech, 24-23

9-20-95           7:4                         Tech remains focused on Baylor

9-21-95           7:3                         Coleman eyes chance to play in NFL (Marcus Coleman)

9-25-95           1:5                         Tech heads into AP top 25 poll

9-27-95           7:2                         Baylor backfield worries Tech defense

9-28-95           8:1                         Work ethic makes walk-on starter at center

9-29-95           10:2                       Tech, Baylor open final SWC season

9-29-95           13:1                       Texas Tech vs. Baylor; the Preview

10-2-95           6:1                         Baylor squeaks by Raiders, 9-7

10-9-95           1:1                         Tech celebrates victory over A&M

10-11-95         10:2                       Adams makes most of opportunity at Tech (Bo Adams)

10-16-95         1:1                         Police patrol games; UPD combats alcohol use, fighting, not tortilla tossing

10-16-95         3:1                         Lubbock children reap game benefits

10-16-95         6:1                         Tech silent on SWC officials

10-16-95         6:3                         Raiders rout Arkansas State, 63-25

10-18-95         6:1                         Hanspard named player of the week

10-23-95         8:3                         Tech survives scare from Rice

10-26-95         8:5                         Lethridge’s re-emergence sparks offense for Raiders

10-27-95         12:3                       Tech faces tough road test in Lobos

10-30-95         6:3                         Tech rolls to 34-7 win over Lobos

11-2-95           7:1                         Turnovers key for Tech defense

11-3-95           10:1                       Tech battles Texas for SWC lead

11-6-95           8:1                         Texas records Tech-nical knockout of Red Raiders

11-8-95           3:1                         Committee for Champions moves closer to goal; members hope for 41,641 fans to attend final home against TCU

11-10-95         12:2                       Running game key for Tech, TCU

11-13-95         8:2                         Red Raiders shut down TCU

11-13-95         8:2                         Defensive play not enough to offset TCU offense

11-16-95         8:3                         Big 12 athletic directors approve playoff game

11-17-95         10:2                       Tech looks to keep bowl hopes alive

11-17-95         10:3                       Thomas named finalist for Butlers Award

11-20-95         6:2                         Cotton Bowl sees last SWC game with Raiders

11-21-95         8:2                         Tech closes out SWC against Cougars

11-27-95         1:5                         Football team accepts bid to Weiser-Lock Copper Bowl

11-27-95         7:3                         Thomas named to third squad

11-27-95         8:1                         Tech holds off Houston, 38-26

11-28-95         7:1                         Tech sees Copper Bowl ??????

11-29-95         6:6                         Air Force accepts Copper Bowl bid

12-2-95           1:1                         Tech athletes arrest during brawl

12-5-95           1:1                         Arrested athletes still bow bound

12-6-95           1:1                         Lethridge ??????? citation deferment

1-16-96           11:1                       Record-breaking Red Raiders return triumphant (Weiser-Lock Copper bowl)

1-19-96           7:4                         Questions surround Winder’s future at Tech

1-22-96           1:3                         Winder takes offensive coordinator job at OU

1-23-96           6:1                         Tech opens ’96 season against Big 12 opponent

3-29-96           8:1                         Annual Red-Black spring game gives football players chance for friendly competition

4-1-96             8:5                         Bass makes comeback as Black defeats Red

4-12-96           10:1                       Hanspard, offense find midseason form in win

4-22-96           6:3                         Red Raiders receive righteous reward (NFL drafts Coleman, Thomas)

8-13-96           6:1                         Tech camp starts out without fall squad

8-26-96           B1:3                       Tech relies on offense to even offs in new conference

8-27-96           12:1                       Red Raiders enter the season with question on offense and in kicking game

8-28-96           9:1                         Tilling defensive holes key to Tech success

9-3-96             9:1                         Tech finds bright spots in Kansas State’s win

9-3-96             9:3                         Red Raiders face two foes in Kansas

9-6-96             13:3                       OSU boasts one-two punch in backfield

9-9-96             8:2                         Red Raiders nab first Big 12 victory

9-10-96           8:2                         Tech coordinators like what they see

9-13-96           11-16                     The Big 12:  A fan’s guide to the football teams and schools that form the nation’s premier athletic conference

9-16-96           10:1                       Tech offensive lineman play musical positions

9-18-96           7:3                         Georgia’s coach fearing battle with Red Raiders

9-20-96           10:3                       Raiders have Georgia on their minds

9-23-96           6:1                         Tech passing game stagnant in 15-12 loss

9-24-96           6:1                         Dykes confident Lethridge will improve

9-26-96           7:1                         Tech ready to rebound from Georgia loss

9-27-96           9:1                         Tech opens home schedule against Utah State

9-30-96           6:1                         Hanspard, Lethridge revive two-prong attach for Red Raiders

10-1-96           7:1                         Magnitude of Baylor game realized

10-1-96           7:5                         Tech’s Johnson named Big 12 Player of the Week

10-3-96           1:1                         Jones makes final appeal to NCAA

10-3-96           6:1                         Tech to face off against star Baylor running back

10-4-96           9:3                         Red Raiders set to go Bear hunting

10-7-96           6:1                         Records fall in Red Raiders’ 45-2 win

10-8-96           5:1                         Red Raider backfield loaded with talent

10-10-96         6:3                         No. 7:  Tech’s unknown Saturday warrior (R. Johnson)

10-11-96         1:5                         Tech may forfeit Copper Bowl win

10-11-96         6:1                         Running back showdown awaits

10-14-96         6:3                         Tech moves to first in South Division

10-15-96         1:1                         Jones fights to regain Tech eligibility

10-15-96         5:1                         North dominates South in Big 12

10-15-96         6:3                         Cornhusker Express:  Nebraska comes to Lubbock Saturday sporting many statistics of domination

10-17-96         10:1                       Backfield trio helps Tech’s rushing attack

10-18-96         1:1                         Court allows Jones to play

10-18-96         7:1                         Supremacy name of Nebraska game

10-18-96         7:5                         Osborne wary of Tech’s potent rushing attack

10-21-96         8:3                         Mistakes keep Red Raiders from upset

10-22-96         6:5                         Texas A&M game key to Red Raider’s title run

10-24-96         7:1                         Red Raiders bookends garner accolades

10-25-96         7:1                         Red Raiders look to end misery in College Station

10-28-96         1:1                         A&M’s crew wrecked by Tech again; Red Raiders triumph over Texas A&M 13-10 in first win in College Station since 1984

10-29-96         6:1                         A&M win puts Tech in driver’s seat

10-31-96         12:1                       Hanspard has handle on Heisman; Tech tailback receives support in his quest to be nation’s best player

11-1-96           1:1                         Fullback’s eligibility sees official scrutiny

11-4-96           1:1                         Court may allow Jones to play Texas

11-5-96           1:1                         Absences lead to Morris’ expulsion

11-5-96           6:5                         Red Raiders face must win against Longhorns

11-7-96           1:1                         Tech, UT fight for control of spur

11-7-96           4:5                         Craziest Tech fans battle for front-row seats

11-8-96           9:1                         Big 12 South Division up for grabs Saturday

11-11-96         8:1                         Texas dampens Tech’s championship hopes

11-12-96         5:1                         Tech no longer control Big 12 title destiny

11-13-96         1:1                         Court allows Jones to return for season

11-18-96         6:2                         Red Raiders solidify bowl appearance

11-19-96         6:4                         Tech offense faces its creator Saturday

11-20-96         8:1                         Blake’s Sooners focus on Red Raiders tailback

11-20-96         8:3                         Humble Hanspard among NCAA’s best

11-22-96         5:1                         Tech looks for first win against Oklahoma

11-25-96         6:3                         Red Raiders pass Sooner test, 22-12

11-26-96         5:1                         Tech hoping Aggies beat Longhorns

12-4-96           9:1                         Aloha or Alamo?  Conference championships impact Red Raiders’ bowl destination

12-4-96           12:1                       Hanspard headline list of Red Raider award winners

1-13-97           11:1                       Tech offense vanishes in Alamo bowl

1-13-97           11:5                       Red Raiders lose two underclassman to NFL

2-3-97             8:1                         Tech among nation’s top underclassman to NFL    

2-6-97             7:1                         Tech wins football recruiting battles

2-13-97           1:1                         Dykes tackles absences

3-4-97             6:3                         Football team begins preparations for 1997 season

3-10-97           7:3                         Football spring practice mixes old, new

3-27-97           7:1                         Tech football faces offensive overhaul

3-28-97           8:5                         Defense leads offense as spring practice nears end

4-3-97             6:1                         Finishing touches; Texas Tech football team wraps up spring practice today

4-3-97             7:1                         Red Raider football team experiencing spring blues

4-4-97             8:1                         Last scrimmage shows team progress

4-9-97             7:1                         Hanspard’s replacement to have knee examined

4-21-97           6:1                         Hanspard goes to Falcons in NFL draft

4-22-97           5:5                         Tech players sign pro contracts

6-22-97           1:3                         Two football players declared ineligible

8-5-97             1:1                         Maskew resigns, focuses on health

9-2-97             1:1                         Volunteers crush Red Raiders in season opener

9-2-97             1:1                         Sports:  Year II; the hunt for the Big XII championship

9-2-97             1:2                         Sports:  Tech looks to freshman to fill void left by star running back Hanspard

9-3-97             11:1                       Freshman defensive backs prosper at Tech

9-5-97             13:1                       Tech football relishes week off

9-9-97             6:5                         Red Raiders eager for Ragin’ Cajun showdown

9-10-97           2:5                         Plans under way for Bring-a-Child game

9-10-97           8:5                         Butler ready to return to Red Raider lineup

9-11-97           11:1                       Red Raider offensive line weight issue

9-12-97           10:1                       Tech prepares to blacken USL

9-15-97           12:1                       Red Raiders roll to 59-14 home opening romp of Ragin’ Cajun

9-17-97           8:1                         Red Raiders ready for Ervin’s return to play

9-19-97           9:1                         Red Raider football hopes Mean Green plays nice

9-22-97           6:1                         Mean Green stuns Red Raiders in 30-27 triumph

9-23-97           6:1                         Tech football looks to regroup after loss

9-24-97           7:1                         Day-to-day; Lethridge needs to heal before Baylor game

9-26-97           8:1                         Peters prepared for any role with Red Raiders

9-26-97           Supp.                     Big 12 Conference 1997 Fan Guide to Football

10-3-97           7:1                         Tech ready for Bears

10-8-97           6:3                         Raiders look to find running game

10-10-97         14:1                       Homecoming battle:  Tech looks for second Big 12 victory against Kansas

10-13-97         10:1                       Defense leads to way in Tech’s 17-7 win over Kansas

10-15-97         7:1                         Tech players optimistic about Nebraska

10-16-97         8:1                         Redrum: Tech-Nebraska match-up one-sided

10-17-97         10:1                       Red Raiders ready to take on No. 2 Nebraska

10-20-97         7:1                         Nebraska manhandles Red Raiders 29-0

10-21-97         6:1                         Tech can jump back into race with win over Aggies

10-22-97         9:1                         Injuries to play factor in Aggie game

10-23-97         9:1                         McKenzie reluctant football superstar

10-24-97         12:1                       Tech looks for third straight victory over Aggies

10-27-97         1:1                         Third times a charm:  Red Raiders scrape by Texas A&M, 16-13, with field goal

10-30-97         10:1                       Rogers kicks way into Red Raider history

10-31-97         12:1                       Tech looks for momentum against No. 12 Wildcats

11-3-97           5:1                         Kansas State scrapes by Tech 13-2 in defensive struggle

11-4-97           5:1                         Tech must win out in Big 12 South

11-5-97           6:3                         Reagor proves worth at Tech

11-7-97           1:1                         Tech loses bowl hopes

11-7-97           7:1                         Despite names, running backs very different

11-7-97           8:1                         Tech hopes to brand Longhorns in Big 12 battle

11-10-97         6:1                         Red Raiders annihilate Longhorns, 24-10

11-10-97         7:1                         Butler shows love for football as Red Raider

11-12-97         5:1                         Johnson helps Red Raiders outrun controversy

11-14-97         8:1                         Tech ready for Oklahoma State

11-17-97         7:1                         Red Raiders rout Oklahoma State, 27-3

11-19-97         6:3                         Lethridge prepared for end

11-20-97         7:1                         Red Raider seniors ready to finish out careers

11-21-97         10:1                       Red Raiders finish out season with Oklahoma

11-24-97         5:1                         Sooners shock Red Raiders

11-25-97         1:3                         Dykes stays into 2000

11-25-97         6:1                         Tech assistant coach Slayton retires after 40 years of football

12-3-97           7:1                         Red Raiders look forward to new season

1-22-98           1:1                         Former Tech coach dies at 86

2-5-98             7:1                         Dykes announces 1998 recruiting class

2-10-98           8:1                         Holding their won; Red Raider football source of pride for Tech (History)

2-25-98           6:5                         Tech officials announce football ticket increase

3-5-98             7:4                         Tech football begins spring training for ’98

3-30-98           6:1                         Defense again may dominate Red Raider season

4-1-98             6:3                         Voting adds twist to spring contest

4-2-98             7:1                         Peters excited about Tech future

4-3-98             8:1                         Tech football suits up for annual Red-Black game

4-6-98             8:3                         Red Team battles past black, 28-14

4-17-98           9:1                         Tech players await drat choices

4-21-98           6:1                         Darden, Lethridge have pro football dreams fulfilled

8-24-98           14:1                       New and old prepared for ’98 campaign

8-24-98           1:3                         Sports:  Team readies for winning season

8-24-98           1:3                         Peters to direct offense into battle

9-1-98             8:1                         Red Raiders excited about miner battle

9-3-98             1:1                         Faculty staff to receive cheap Tech-UTEP football tickets

9-3-98             11:1                       Rucker ready to assume new role

9-4-98             12:3                       Tech ready to wash away Miners

9-8-98             9:1                         Red Raiders mine Texas-El Paso, 35-3

9-9-98             9:1                         Red Raiders out for justice in battle against Eagles

9-9-98             10:6                       Lubbock’s very own Williams

9-11-98           12:1                       Raiders look for redemption against Eagles

9-11-98           12:1                       Quarterback Tittle ready to lead Tech

9-14-98           1:1                         Raiders dominate against Mean Green

9-15-98           8:1                         Raiders prepare for unfamiliar foe

9-18-98           12:2                       Tech ready to crush Bulldogs

9-21-98           1:1                         Child’s Play:  Tech students bring 1300 children to Saturday’s game

9-21-98           8:1                         Shipley leads Tech out of doghouse

9-22-98           1:3                         Red Raiders look to Cyclones

9-25-98           8:2                         Raiders look for fourth victory

9-28-98           7:1                         Red Raiders stir up Cyclones in 31-24 victory

9-29-98           10:1                       Red Raiders relish perfect record

9-30-98           6:1                         Tech’s football player makes the most of his opportunities

10-2-98           12:2                       Red Raiders go bear hunting

10-5-98           9:1                         Red Raiders survive late Bear scare, 31-29

10-6-98           8:1                         Tech readies for Cowboy battle

10-7-98           6:5                         Tech still unranked

10-9-98           12:2                       Raiders shoot out with Cowboys

10-12-98         1:1                         Raiders pound Cowboy in historical victory

10-13-98         6:1                         Raiders look to clash with nationally ranked Buffs

10-14-98         6:2                         Tech ranked, but not over confident

10-16-98         10:2                       Tech starts crucial run with Buffs

10-19-98         6:1                         Early Tech turnovers lead to 19-17 Colorado victory

10-21-98         6:3                         Tech hopes to swarm Aggie run

10-23-98         5:1                         Raiders go for fourth-straight win over Aggies

10-26-98         1:2                         Agony of defeat; Tech’s last-ditch drive falls short in 17-10 loss to A&M

10-26-98         8:4                         Tech left only to wonder after loss

10-27-98         6:1                         Tech hopes to bounce back

10-28-98         5:1                         Dorris catching on as Red Raider

10-30-98         13:2                       Raiders hope to scare up victory

11-2-98           7:1                         Tech’s skid continues in soggy 28-26 loss to Tigers

11-4-98           6:2                         Tech reflects on late bye week

11-6-98           7:1                         Raiders ready for time off

11-10-98         5:1                         Rested Raiders prepare for Texas

11-11-98         7:1                         Tech looks to stop ‘Horns offense

11-13-98         9:3                         Tech ready to hook some ‘Horns

11-16-98         1:2                         Raiders break UT’s winning streak, 42-35

11-17-98         5:1                         Raider glad to be back winning

11-19-98         5:1                         Red Raiders rely on revenge against lowly Sooners

11-20-98         7:2                         Tech closes season with Sooners

11-23-98         6:1                         Red Raiders turnover 20-17 win to Sooners

11-24-98         5:1                         Raiders left to play waiting game

12-7-98           1:1                         Tech salutes an Independence Bowl berth

12-9-98           7:1                         Tech fights Rebels for Independence

1-19-99           14:1                       Red Raiders end season on disappointing note

2-4-99             1:1                         On the dotted line:  15 Texas Tech recruits sign national letters of intent

3-3-99             7:1                         Red Raider offense in hands of freshman

3-25-99           7:1                         Fan participation wanted for annual Red-Black scrimmage

4-19-99           1:3                         Tech players to don Broncos uniforms

7-23-99           12:1                       Raiders make football pre-season honors

8-XX-99          16:1                       Welcome Issue:  Raiders look to experience in ’99 campaign

8-30-99           C1:1                       Raiders look to consistency in 1999

8-30-99           C7:1                       Williams to make run at opponents, record book

8-31-99           10:1                       Senior begins year as starter (Tim Duffie)

9-1-99             10:1                       Raiders pumped up for season opening against ASU Sun Devils

9-3-99             12:1                       Lasting memories:  Tech fullback Morris is slated to return after two-year layoff

9-3-99             16:1                       Desert Storm:  Red Raiders ready for ASU

9-7-99             1:2                         Red Raiders torched by Sun Devil attack

9-7-99             7:1                         Students await Red Raiders return

9-8-99             8:1                         Tech licks wounds after loss

9-10-99           16:1                       Red Raiders set for Cajun cook-off:  Tech to hit road for clash against Louisiana-Lafayette

9-10-99           16:4                       Freshman defensive end already making big strides

9-13-99           8:1                         Raiders take first season victory

9-14-99           8:3                         Red Raiders head back to practice

9-15-99           6:3                         Tech penalized for mistakes

9-17-99           12:3                       Raiders look for second win

9-20-99           8:1                         Raider’s attack too weak to bed Mean Green

9-21-99           8:2                         Errors plague Raiders

9-22-99           10:1                       Raiders use bye to recover

9-24-99           7:1                         Birkholz kicks into gear on field in hospital

9-28-99           8:1                         Tech, A&M closer than ranking predict

9-30-99           1:5                         Pre-game prayer removed

9-30-99           8:6                         Williams out of the season

10-1-99           1:2                         Williams’ knee, season turn on one fatal play

10-1-99           10:2                       Red Raiders rev up for rivals

10-1-99           10:2                       Injured Raiders healing for A&M game

10-4-99           1:2                         Whoop!  Red Raiders shock No. 5 ranked Texas A&M in front of more than 53,000 fans

10-4-99           1:2                         Goal post gone with win

10-5-99           1:2                         Post A&M recovery continues

10-5-99           8:1                         Williams still key for Raider attack

10-6-99           6:1                         New backfield creates powerhouse

10-7-99           1:2                         Shirts go up in honor of fallen goal post

10-8-99           9:1                         OSU must put brakes on Morris

10-11-99         8:1                         Raiders’ momentum short-lived

10-12-99         8:1                         No looking back for Raiders

10-13-99         9:1                         Making tough plats, high grades (Keith Cockrum)

10-15-99         10:2                       Raiders look to skin Buffaloes

10-18-99         8:1                         Raiders make Buffaloes extinct

10-19-99         8:1                         Raiders gain confidence

10-20-99         6:2                         Birthday boy:  Freshman receives start, victory as gifts (Rex Richard)

10-22-99         8:1                         Raiders look to make bear skin rug

10-25-99         7:1                         Bears get skinned, 35-7

10-26-99         6:2                         Defense in destruction mode

10-26-99         6:1                         Tech’s Norman named Big 12 Specialty Player of the Week

10-27-99         8:2                         Raiderland’s real life Rudy (Renda)

10-28-99         6:1                         Three of Lubbock’s own remain on South Plans to pursue football careers at Texas Tech (Darrell Jones, Kevin Curtis, Dorian Pitts)

10-29-99         8:1                         Raiders set to terrorize Tigers

11-1-99           8:2                         Two streaks end at once

11-2-99           6:1                         Raiders reflect, recover

11-3-99           1:5                         Drug arrest sidelines Tech player (Derrick Briggs)

11-4-99           1:5                         Pitts next in wave of charges

11-4-99           8:3                         Behind the line of scrimmage

11-5-99           1:2                         Crisp under fire for drug charges

11-5-99           10:1                       Raiders set for whirlwind battle

11-8-99           6:1                         Raiders leave ISU twisting in wind

11-9-99           7:1                         Two wins away:  Raiders need winning streak to take Big 12 South

11-10-99         5:1                         Dorris ready to take Texas by horns

11-12-99         6:1                         Raiders set to barbecue Berd

11-12-99         7:1                         Shipley perseveres despite injuries

11-15-99         6:1                         Raiders stampeded

11-16-99         6:4                         Raiders look to rebound

11-19-99         10:1                       Raiders set for final contest

11-22-99         1:2                         Dykes era comes to an end

11-22-99         5:1                         Raiders send Dykes off with win

11-22-99         8:1                         Texas Tech players chosen for Dr. Pepper All-Big 12 Coaches Team

12-1-99           6:1                         New Mexico State coach meets with Myers

12-1-99           6:3                         Raiders await bowling party ‘99

12-2-99           8:1                         Replacement for Dykes may surface soon

12-2-99           8:5                         Raiders garner more post season awards

12-6-99           6:4                         Tech football squad fails to earn bowl bid

12-7-99           1:5                         Rodriguez to remain at Clemson

12-7-99           10:1                       Red Raider football has roller-coaster season

12-8-99           1:6                         Decision leaves Raiders coachless

1-18-00           9:1                         Loading up for next season

1-19-00           11:2                       Freshman standout Williams to focus on Raiders football

1-31-00           8:5                         Tech football players honored for season

2-3-00             7:1                         2000 Texas Tech football signees

2-28-00           1:4                         From sidelines to stands:  Leach fields questions from students

3-22-00           7:1                         Spring football begins with new look, new coach

3-23-00           6:3                         Dykes tradition continues at Tech

4-17-00           7:1                         Raiders end spring drills with passing colors

4-19-00           1:4                         Football season ticket prices set for increase

4-19-00           5:1                         Five Red Raiders taking talent to NFL level

6-20-00           7:5                         Curtis named All-American

8-1-00             8:1                         Raider football freshman report, say goodbye

8-4-00             10:1                       Freshman Raiders learning system at mini-camp

8-28-00           12A:1                     Red Raiders tame Lobos in season opener

8-28-00           12A:1                     Former Red Raider All-American honored at Tech-UNM game (Gabe Rivera)

8-28-00           1D:2                       Diverse background puts Leach on road to glory

8-28-00           D2:1                       New Century brings change to Tech football

8-28-00           D2:1                       Uniforms feature new look

8-29-00           12:1                       Raiders look to improve offense after victory

8-30-00           9:1                         Williams grateful to be back on field

9-1-00             8:1                         Texas Tech football players to appear at DJH

9-1-00             14:1                       Raider primed for Utah State contest

9-6-00             8:1                         Nothing timid about new Red Raider offense

9-7-00             7:1                         Raiders rock to prepare for field situations

9-8-00             16B:1                     Raiders ready for revenge against UNT

9-11-00           8:1                         Raider football exercises North Texas demons with 13-7 victory

9-12-00           7:1                         Brenner legging it out for Tech Special teams

9-12-00           8:1                         Raider offence searching for consistency

9-13-00           10:1                       Tech flexing defensive muscle in perfect start

9-14-00           7:1                         Where there’s a William’s there’s a way

9-15-00           14:2                       Tech gridiron squad forces Ragin’ Cajuns

9-18-00           8:1                         Raiders cool down Ragin’ Cajuns in 26-0 win

9-19-00           8:1                         Raiders ready for a week off to heal injuries

9-21-00           11:1                       Raider football squad ready for weekend off

9-26-00           8:1                         Red Raider football awaiting trip to Kyle Field

9-28-00           10:1                       Leach leads raiders into first Big 12 game

9-29-00           6:1                         Hecklers to cheer Raiders in College Station

9-29-00           14:1                       Tech football heads to College Station

10-2-00           1:2                         Thumbs down (33-15 defeat by Aggies)

10-3-00           7:1                         Raiders ready to move on after loss to A&M

10-4-00           7:1                         Kingsbury down, but not out

10-5-00           7:1                         Baker’s patience paying off

10-6-00           14:2                       Tech prepares to battle Bears

10-9-00           8:1                         Tech defense blanks Baylor in 28-0 win

10-10-00         7:1                         Raiders focus on penalty problem

10-11-00         9:1                         Tech ‘D’ prepares for Huskers

10-12-00         8:1                         Kingsbury leading Raider Big 12 Challenge

10-13-00         14:1                       Tech squads prepare for battle with top-ranking

10-13-00         14:1                       Cornhuskers, Raiders face off after two-year hiatus

10-16-00         8:1                         ‘Big Red’ rolls past Red Raider football, 56-3

10-18-00         7:1                         Tech’s Walker making impact

10-19-00         8:1                         Raiders work on mental game

10-20-00         10:2                       Raiders ready to tame wildcats

10-23-00         8:1                         Tech effort falls short at Kansas State

10-25-00         6:1                         Raider secondary turning out to be first rate

10-26-00         7:1                         Dorris playing through pain

10-27-00         10:2                       Back to Kansas for Tech football

10-30-00         8:1                         Raiders end losing streak against Kansas

10-31-00         6:1                         Raiders almost Bowl eligible

10-31-00         6:5                         Welker earns Big 12 honors

11-2-00           8:1                         Tech defensive end ‘Hunt’ing sack record

11-3-00           10:1                       Tech hopes to return favor to U.T.

11-3-00           10:1                       Curtis coming up big in clutch situations for Red Raider football

11-6-00           7:1                         Raiders drop conference contest with U.T.

11-8-00           6:1                         Jones quietly making impact for Tech football

11-9-00           8:1                         Williams could play one more year

11-10-00         3:1                         Low turn-out disappointing

11-10-00         10:1                       Tech football looking to bowl over Cowboys

11-13-00         7:1                         Red Raiders corral Cowboys, 58-0

11-14-00         1:2                         Leach warns Kentucky publication

11-15-00         5:1                         Red Raiders confront No. 1 again

11-17-00         1:2                         Leach inks year contract extension

11-17-00         10:1                       Raiders look for upset, respect against Sooners

11-20-00         6:1                         Raiders fall short against Sooners

11-28-00         8:6                         Texas Tech football notes

12-1-00           8:1                         Texas Tech football waits as bowl situation develops

1-24-01           1:5                         Tech football attempting UTEP buyout

2-8-01             8:1                         Tech football builds for future

Fraternities, Sororities, Honor Society

9-5-95             5:1                         All Greek night helps benefit Muscular Dystrophy

9-6-95             1:3                         New fraternity comes out on campus (gay-Delta Lambda Phi)

9-12-95           6:1                         Fraternity emphases religion (Kappa Upsilon Chi)

9-21-95           3:5                         Low membership closes fraternity (Epsilon Omega/ Pi Kappa Phi)

10-11-95         3:3                         Fraternity co-sponsors Derby Bays blood drive (Sigma Chi)

10-27-95         3:1                         Greeks gather for education program; hazing, relation’s discussed

11-21-95         1:1                         Farmhouse loses active members

12-2-95           1:3                         Hazing continues despite guidelines

12-2-95           3:1                         Council grants chapter status to fraternity (Delta Lambda Phi)

12-5-95           1:4                         Men in Farmhouse join Beta Theta Pi

12-5-95           1:6                         Correction to Dec. 2 hazing article

1-16-96           1:6                         Tech fraternity loses members (Farmhouse)

1-26-96           4:5                         Sigma Delta Pi office honors local chapter

2-16-96           5:2                         Pike fest showcases country singers

2-27-96           5:1                         Sorority celebrates 30 years of service (Alpha Delta Pi)

3-1-96             4:5                         Leadership, teamwork skills focus of engineering speaker (Tau beta Pi)

4-15-96           1:5                         Greeks opt for togetherness through community service

8-26-96           C6:1                       Students find home in Greek community

8-30-96           3:1                         Greek organization revive rush

9-3-96             4:1                         Homosexual fraternity begins Rush, hopes for growth (Delta Lambda Phi)

10-4-96           1:1                         Tech fraternity loses charter for hazing (Sigma Phi Epsilon)

10-7-96           1:4                         Fraternity faces inquiry

10-17-96         1:1                         Hearings pending for hazing incidents

10-25-96         1:1                         Agency to investigate Tech fraternity

10-31-96         1:4                         Tech fraternity settles lawsuit, Chi Pi allowed to re-establish chapter

11-1-96           3:2                         Texas Tech honorees join forces

11-5-96           1:1                         Officials wait to take action against fraternity

11-8-96           8:1                         Kalf fries give event regional flavor

11-15-96         3:2                         Music students introduces new fraternity; men’s choral fraternity first in nation, offer service and performance opportunities

11-21-96         1:1                         Pi Kappa Alpha makes arena donation

11-21-96         1:4                         Judgment day nears for Sig Eps (Sigma Epsilon)

12-2-96           6:1                         Groups form posse to pursue unity

1-17-97           3:1                         Greek organizations complete spring rush

2-18-97           4:5                         Tech fraternity provides real world experiences (Alpha Kappa Psi)

2-19-97           3:1                         Tech fraternities institute drug policies

3-6-97             7:1                         Pikes host country hit affair

3-7-97             6:1                         Harmonic heavyweights, eight local bands go head-to-head in Sigma Nu’s Battle of the Bands

3-28-97           1:5                         Fraternity bans alcohol by 2000 (Phi Delta Theta)

4-9-97             4:3                         Sorority Spotlight gives rush information

4-11-97           7:1                         Christian fraternity humors founders, looks to future (Kappa Upsilon Chi)

9-2-97             2:1                         Campus:  Going Greek:  Rush provides insight into fraternity, sorority life

9-29-97           2:1                         National fraternity starts reorganization plans (Pi Kappa Phi)

9-30-97           1:1                         Whites dominant in Greek system

10-1-97           1:1                         Tech fraternity investigated (Sigma Nu)

10-6-97           1:1                         Movin’ right along; Tech fraternity pushes wheelchair for charity (Lambda Chi Alpha)

10-7-97           1:4                         Fraternity members accused of stealing construction supplies (Phi Delta Theta)

10-9-97           1:5                         Fraternity apologizes to McDougal

10-13-97         1:4                         Suspects unknown in site vandalism; fraternities future house damaged (Beta Theta Phi)

10-21-97         3:1                         Fraternity to send letters to increase membership (Delta Lambda Phi)

10-23-97         1:1                         Nation’s fraternities, sororities van alcohol in houses

10-28-97         1:3                         Pi Kappa Phi fraternity house robbed

10-29-97         2:3                         Fraternity’s pageant returns to Tech (Delta Sigma Phi misses fall rush)

10-30-97         5:1                         Greeks provide safe place for trick-or-treat

11-10-97         1:2                         Greeks oppose movement of rush meeting

11-24-97         1:1                         Students reports rape by fraternity member

12-2-97           1:2                         Burglar hits Alpha Phi lodge

12-4-97           3:3                         Greek members brighten holidays

12-8-97           1:1                         Fraternity damages landmark home

12-10-97         1:1                         Fraternities punished for hazing

1-15-98           1:1                         Higher requirements lower Rush candidates

1-22-98           2:1                         Black fraternities offer sense of community

1-26-98           1:1                         Attorney seeks in indict Tech fraternity members

1-30-98           1:5                         Grand jury exonerates fraternity members

2-3-98             1:2                         Greeks students reach out to community

2-4-98             2:1                         Fijis beat alcohol ban deadline

2-10-98           9:1                         Honor Society promotes book drive for area high school (Phi Alpha Theta)

2-12-98           1:4                         Dean tells faculty of Greeks’ problems

2-24-98           1:1                         Hazing allegations lead to resignations (Chi Omega)

3-10-98           3:1                         Tokens of appreciation:  Service fraternity honors women with flowers, candy

3-26-98           1:1                         Fraternity serves hours for theft

4-1-98             1:1                         Montford honored by Kappa Sigma

4-2-98             6:1                         Preparing for battle; Tech fraternity hosts third annual local band contest (Sigma Nu)

4-8-98             1:1                         Tech fraternity gives to arena

4-16-98           2:2                         Chancellor honored by fraternity (Phi Kappa Phi)

4-20-98           1:1                         Fraternity members arrest (Sigma Alpha Epsilon)

4-21-98           1:1                         Fraternities counter crawfish problems

6-12-98           1:1                         Phi Delta complete community service

7-24-98           4:1                         Fall rush to see changes for Tech fraternities, sororities

8-24-98           12:1                       Greek life offers students different experiences

9-3-98             2:1                         Greek Rush numbers decline for fall; higher standards, bad press blamed

9-10-98           1:1                         Fraternity completes hours

9-18-98           6:1                         Annual Fiji Olympics Saturday

9-25-98           6:1                         Red Hot Chili; Jerry Jeff Walker to headline this year’s SAE Chili Cook-off (Sigma Alpha Epsilon)

9-28-98           1:2                         SAE fraternity raised $4,000, benefits MDA (Sigma Alpha Epsilon)

9-30-98           2:1                         Donation of love; Blood drive in honor of recent accident victim

10-2-98           1:1                         Fraternity present Beta 500 Saturday

10-5-98           3:1                         Beta 500 raises money for charity

10-19-98         3:1                         Alcohol 101 gives students lesson

11-13-98         1:1                         Tech society aids Red Cross in disaster effort; Spanish fraternity comes to the Rescue of Mitch victims

11-20-98         1:3                         Sitting High; FIJI, Pi Phi raise money for breast cancer research

12-3-98           1:2                         Kappa Sigma, Chi Omega brighten lives of children

1-19-99           1:1                         Tech fraternities under fire:  Delta deny hazing charges

1-19-99           1:2                         SAE’s suspended from activities (Sigma Alpha Epsilon)

1-20-99           1:6                         Delts put on hiatus

2-4-99             1:2                         Fraternity added to Greek system (Sigma Lambda Beta)

2-12-99           3:1                         Dancing Valentines:  Tech students present seniors with dancing

2-16-99           1:1                         Greeks top list of binge drinkers

2-16-99           3:1                         Phi Kappa Phi to nominate students for scholarships

2-17-99           1:1                         Greek students arrested (Beta Theta Pi)

2-19-99           1:6                         TCADA:  Drinking among Greeks a problem

2-22-99           1:1                         Greeks band together to help local cancer patient

3-29-99           2:2                         Sorority, fraternity team together to raise money (Kappa Delta, Pi Kappa Alpha)

4-6-99             1:1                         Arson suspected in lodge fire (Delta Sigma Phi)

4-20-99           1:6                         Chi Psi returns 4-year absence

4-20-99           1:1                         Tech councils govern actions of Greek System

4-21-99           11                          Rules govern how Greek parties are run

4-22-99           1:1                         Procedures must be met to register Greek parties

4-23-99           1:1                         New sorority brings diversity to organization on campus

4-26-99           2:1                         Tech honor society to induct new members

4-29-99           1:5                         ‘20/20’ reveals sorority hazing

6-24-99           1:5                         Fraternity makes way to campus (Zeta Psi)

8-6-99             1:1                         SAE’s to make return to campus (Sigma Alpha Epsilon)

8-10-99           2:1                         Music sorority named top chapter in nation for service

8-XX-99          13:1                       Welcome Issue:  Greek system recruits though Rush Week

8-30-99           A7:1                       Four Tech fraternities move into vacant houses

9-10-99           1:5                         Fraternity returns for recruitment (Sigma Phi Epsilon)

9-27-99           1:5                         More than 3,000 people attend annual chili event in support of MDA

10-1-99           5:1                         Have a ball; Annual Kalf Fry Party to offer music and more for good cause

10-12-99         2:1                         Organization celebrates over century of music promotion (Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia)

10-13-99         1:2                         Happening Harvest; fraternity, sorority unite to aid in Carrillon Retirement Home’s Harvest Festival dance

10-15-99         1:2                         Business fraternity raises $5,500 to start endowment (Alpha Kappa Psi)

10-22-99         1:2                         New program allows students to meet potential employers (Alpha Kappa Psi)

10-25-99         3:5                         Sorority to sponsor annual blood drive (Sigma Alpha)

10-28-99         1:2                         Event offers safe treating

10-29-99         3:1                         Haunted houses spook Tech visitors

12-7-99           3:1                         Greek community participates in food drive

12-8-99           5:1                         Spring Rush modified to promote service

1-19-00           2:2                         Rush numbers up despite national decrease

2-15-00           1:3                         Will you be my Valentine?  Greeks dance with local senior citizens

2-16-00           1:2                         Tech Phi Delta Theta lodge vandalized

2-17-00           2:2                         Sorority hunts for Tech heartthrobs (Alpha Phi)

3-22-00           1:2                         Pretty Princess:  Tech sorority helps sponsor fashion show with Ebony magazine Flair (Delta Sigma Theta)

3-27-00           1:2                         Greeks rock their way to help prevent child abuse (Kappa Delta and Phi Gamma Delta)

4-4-00             1:2                         Students to trek across country on bicycles (Pi Kappa Phi)

4-14-00           6:1                         Changes to highlight 2000 Crawfish Festival (Tau Kappa Epsilon)

4-19-00           3:1                         Students serve more than food (Phi Beta Sigma)

5-2-00             1:2                         Tech sorority adopts therapeutic horse (Delta Delta Delta)

8-4-00             3:1                         Pan-Hellenic council outlaws Greek Circle mixers

8-28-00           C1:1                       It’s Greek to me (Rush week)

9-7-00             1:5                         Pan-Hellenic schedules formal rush (Black fraternities/sororities)

9-11-00           2:1                         Fiji Olympics heightens breast awareness

9-11-00           3:1                         First Pan-Hellenic fall rush successful

9-18-00           1:5                         A great time to be Greek:  Report shows that… Greeks have higher –than average GPA

9-19-00           3:1                         Fraternity host blood drive (Sigma Chi)

9-25-00           1:2                         Chilin’ in the wind (Sigma Alpha Epsilon chili cook-off)

9-29-00           3:1                         Speaker shows Greeks their ‘true colors’

10-12-00         1:2                         Fraternity falls victim to vandalism (Phi Delta Theta)

10-16-00         1:5                         Greek worries resume (Kappa Alpha Order)

10-16-00         3:1                         APO in search of donations (Alpha Phi Omega)

10-18-00         1:2                         KA items returned to lodge (Kappa Alpha)

10-27-00         5:1                         Church, Greeks to help needy adults

11-3-00           6:1                         Kalf-Fry arrives tonight

11-6-00           1:4                         Willie rocks Hub city Fry

11-16-00         1:2                         Tech Pan-Hellenic passes new alcohol policy for Greeks

1-23-01           1:6                         Delts obtain restoration opportunity (Delta Tau Delta)

2-13-01           1:2                         Car wreck leads to Phi Delta probe

2-15-01           1:5                         Groups discuss alcohol policy for fraternities

2-23-01           7:3                         Fraternity to host concert (Delta Sigma Phi)

2-28-01           2:1                         Fraternity looks to make its mark (Sigma Phi)

Freshman Convocation

9-25-98           1:1                         Keim returns to Tech for convocation

Freshman Council

9-9-95             1:1                         Tech’s Freshman Council looking for future campus senators

9-24-96           3:1                         Freshman Council election today

9-25-97           1:1                         Freshman Council elected, sets goals

9-16-98           1:1                         Freshman Council elections underway

9-19-00           3:5                         Tech freshman go to polls to elect leaders

9-25-00           2:1                         Freshman don’t turn out for elections


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